- crinrict4 months agoHero+Status changed:NewtoUnder Investigation
- crinrict3 days agoHero+
This has been an issue since the pack came out. Seems not everyone is getting hit.
To be sure: You play as tenant and that's what you see: [ARCHIVED] [FR] No/ too low rent when playing as tenant | EA Forums - 11674414 (that thread is archived and there's a new one but the new one wasn't as detailed so I'm lining the old.
There's also this one: [FR] Tenants wont pay rent | EA Forums - 11938320
- pessyl923 days agoSeasoned Veteran
Not exactly this same.
I play as tenant not as landlord. - crinrict3 days agoHero+
Your screenshots look similar to that on the first thread. Rent is 0 and the rest of the bill very low although for the other user the total also seems off.
- pessyl923 days agoSeasoned Veteran
After switch lot (visit and back to home) bills looks fine...
(really i feel like in work - as QA i record bugs )
But after playing few days they switch to 0$ again - pessyl922 days agoSeasoned Veteran
After come back from vacation they have some $ on bills, but not full 16k... interesting
- pessyl922 days agoSeasoned Veteran
I dont know if someone read this topic but i figure out TEMPORARY solution:
At Sunday travel from active lot to different for moment and back to home and keep playing on active lot until bills come . No go to CAS and no switch family or reset game. This way you can pay all bills.
EDIT: Not exactly work i see now.
If you reset game or switch family or go to CAS on Wednesday , after my tip above you will pay bills from Wd. to Sun. Not for all week. That's why i was confused why i was in vacation and back to home i had bills but lower like usually .(Saved and leave game on Sunday - how you can see i had only 2320$ like per day in my rent agreement says)