GreetedNPCVisitingPlayerSituation missing keyword argument
Hey! An unusual bug report because I'm speaking directly to the developers about a recent change to game situations job headlines. This affects the base game and mods.
The function "_resolve_sim_job_headline" in BaseSituation class has been changed to now take in an additional "removed_situation" keyword argument.
Unfortunately it appears that the class GreetedNPCVisitingPlayerSituation which overrides the "_resolve_sim_job_headline" function from inherited BaseSituation is missing this new "removed_situation" keyword argument.
This results in situations created with the GreetedNPCVisitingPlayerSituation type with job headlines throwing the error "TypeError: _resolve_sim_job_headline() takes 3 positional arguments but 4 were given" when the "update_job_headline" function is called, normally on Sims being removed from situations/situations ending.
I'm kindly requesting to please add the missing keyword argument to the "_resolve_sim_job_headline" function. Thank you 😄