- cebmarin5 days agoSeasoned Veteran
more example
infants look so weird
- crinrict5 days agoHero+Status changed:NewtoReviewed
- crinrict5 days agoHero+Status changed:ReviewedtoUnder Investigation
- EA_Cade5 days ago
Community Manager
Status changed:Needs InfotoNeeds InfoHello all,
If you are still encountering this on the latest game version (without mods), would you be willing to share your save file(s)? If so, please send me a private message with a link to the file.
Instructions can be found here.
- f521fed862ee76535 days agoRising Adventurer
cebmarin Is the adult version aged up from the infant shown or vice versa? I'm curious if playing glitched infants/toddlers will affect their appearance when they age up.
- cebmarin5 days agoSeasoned Veteran
Vice versa. I aged down adults and its not about save. I opened new game and I aged down my shared gallery sims
- karoschmitz5 days agoSeasoned Veteran
Hi EA_Cade I just tested the latest patch on my impacted infants and toddlers and interestingly
- the body and face distortions are gone on the save file version that I haven't touched since the previous broken patch,
- but face distortions are happening on the save file that I saved for you after the broken patch.
So I assume the body distortion fix was retroactive but the face distortion fix was not retroactive.
You already have my save file (sent it 2 days ago), this one would showcase the non-retroactive-fix on face distortions.
I personally am ok reverting to the save from before the broken patch, given this bug was fixed so quickly and not much progress happened in that time. - karoschmitz5 days agoSeasoned Veteran
After some more testing:
- Infants get smaller eyes when growing them up to teen in CAS, making a tiny change in the face (nose or chin or something unrelated to eyes), and then making them back into an infant => The eyes shrinked. But this did not happen to all my infants, mostly those that are longer in my game already.
- Similarly toddler faces change when doing above CAS procedure, here it can affect head shape, eyes, nose shape), but for me it seems to happen again mostly to those toddlers that are a long time in my save already, all those that are from the pre-infant time.
This also happens on a save file that has not been touched in the last broken patch and is from before the first business and hobbies patch.
I assume these older infants and toddlers might have had some genetic inconsistencies from patches years ago and thus looked cuter than they are supposed to? In the current patch they have less cute features (smaller eyes, wider noses, rougher head shapes, a bit of a fold between the eyes that make them look slightly angry). But as mentioned it is mostly affecting long existing toddlers and infants. Maybe it's time to age them up 😅
- Edw_HareHare4 days agoSeasoned Novice
Idk if anyone is also having distortion with young adults, adults and teens. All of my teen, YA and adult sims (made before the 1.113 update) with cc body presets, but no face preset btw, all of them have messed up bodies and faces 😭 I had been fixing each one of them and now I'm scared to open the game any more. I was not having any toddler or infant in my households. Lol my sims' appearances are the only thing I'm proud of.
- cebmarin4 days agoSeasoned Veteran
It's not just about old sims I created these new sims from genetics and randomizing they all looked weird. This bug effects new sims too. I’ve missed cute infants….