- ritavega462 months agoSeasoned Novice
- ShardeSims2 months agoSeasoned Newcomer
Same issue happening for me. Can the bugs team please fix this?
- Nube782 months agoSeasoned Newcomer
Same issue here. Playing with all add-ons and without any mods or custom content.
- Sullen10312 months agoSeasoned Newcomer
THIS. They haven't even acknowledged it's a problem for everyone STILL. You're exactly right, EA would be finished if Simmers would get our **bleep** together and file a class action lawsuit. It's VERY illegal to charge someone for a product, then retroactively BREAK that product rendering it unusable. They're even marketing NEW packs while NOT fixing their broken game, it's beyond disgusting.
- Megahue2 months agoSeasoned Rookie
Thought it was the start of the great flood....😆
- disneychickk2 months agoNew Spectator
It’s raining/snowing inside my house
- mavifincan2 months agoNew Spectator
Unsolved issues I've experienced so far.
- herbal medicine brewing final animation (I'm guessing 2 or 3 years)
- Simray device animation (with work package)
- timeline step 3 speed setting (maybe this is not a bug, I don't know :/
- showering/bathing in underwear
- and rain/snow inside the house (seasons)
Just dear EA please no new kits for a while, instead take a look at the bugs. My deepest respects. The same has been happening to me!
- mcandiee2 months agoNew Spectator
I am having the same issue on - I thought it was mods so I removed them all and still having the same issue!
- Severin_JKLIN2 months agoNew Spectator
I can't believe it's been nearly a month and there hasn't been a fix. How did they manage to mess up so royally with this? Rain has been a feature for YEARS. How did you make roofs useless?