
rory_nutt's avatar
Seasoned Ace
9 days ago
Needs Info

Sims Carrying Trash / Plates / Laundry / Infants Reset With Stairs / Platforms

This issue doesn't happen every single time, but certainty often enough that it is annoying and hinders gameplay. Whenever a sim is holding something (trash, plates, laundry, horse manure) and they need to go up / down a platform or stairs, there is a good chance they will just reset and leave the item on the floor. 

Ive noticed this is more likely to occur if the item they are carrying contains multiples, although does still happen with singles too. 

Issue also happens if sim is holding infants + toddlers 


Picture shows that sim came off the staircase platform while holding trash and reset. 


  • Here is a better example. Sim is about to enter a platform / raised area while holding the trash and then once after entering the raised area has immediately reset. 

  • rickycanaja's avatar
    New Scout
    9 days ago

    it happens to me too

    the only solution I found is to wait for the sim to finish the action of depositing the garbage before asking him to do a next action; if I ask a sim to do something while he is taking out the garbage the sim leaves the garbage on the ground to do the next action.

    It's annoying because the sims empty the garbage can autonomously and if you are playing with a large families and you lose sight a sim, you realize too late that he is taking out the garbage, you just give him orders and he leave it on the ground and you realize it later, when you find black piles around the house

  • I also have been having this issue on ps5 lately and thought it was just me experiencing it. It becomes most annoying trying to clean up my small business coffee shop with this happening. 

  • Same here, tho I don't have any platforms in my current house. I've not been on Sims 4 for a couple of weeks as I was visiting Sims 2 but I have noticed that Sims will pick up trash and randomly drop it usually after 2/3 steps then with a bin speech bubble but there's a very usable one nearby and outside . They're not a slob or have any lazy traits, in fact the Sim I noticed it on had the neat trait 

  • EA_Cade's avatar
    Icon for Community Manager rankCommunity Manager
    6 days ago
    Status changed:
    Needs Info

    Hello all,

    If any of you are still encountering this on the latest game version (without mods), would you be willing to share your save file(s)? If so, please send me a private message with a link to the file.

    Instructions can be found here. Please also include a link to the thread the save is for.


  • cbarber89's avatar
    Seasoned Ace
    5 days ago

    I'm gonna try doing this, first time attempting but I think I understand how to do it, I'm on PS5 so it's the longer way round 🤣 the save it's happening on is very new only 2 households been played 

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