
usernameeee2025's avatar
Seasoned Newcomer
8 months ago
Needs Info

Teenager doesn’t get third trait on aging/no Graduation

Just had a sim age up from a teen to a young adult. No notification popped up to select a new trait so they are stuck with 2 traits still when they should have 3. Additionally, they graduated from high school with "average rank" whilst being an A student (with the gold tick). I've only ever had sims age up with at least the "graduated with honours" trait whilst being an A student. For context, this child was adopted so unsure if this has anything to do with it, although I've had sims adopt in the past and this bug hasn't happened. This sim also didn't age up with the "high self esteem" trait from child to teen despite having high confidence as a child. 

Edit By Crinrict: Adjusted Title fit bug report at AHQ

Archived thread had around 295 me toos


  • nbauman73's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer
    6 days ago

    I figured something out today.  Before I aged up my teen, I used the cheat menu to add a High School Trait (i.e. Valedictorian). This spawned a Milestone "memory" and when I had him blow out the candles... for the first time in months, I got the age up menu. Third trait, bonus traits, everything!!

  • na-na-styazh's avatar
    Seasoned Novice
    5 days ago

    I just tried it, but, unfortunately, it doesn’t work for me. However, the age up menu works in new saves. 

  • Lwootton92's avatar
    Rising Traveler
    5 days ago

    This issue isn't down to mods, I'm on console and it happens to my sims. I commented before about two of my sims aging up to YA and never got a third trait. It happened again recently with another sim. No pop up, no third trait, and i didnt notice before but also no graduation. This needs to go on the fix it list ASAP because it looks like a lot of people are having the same problem with this. My last post on here was about 2 months ago, and clearly others have had this happen a lot longer. 

  • usernameeee2025's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer
    4 days ago

    Okay although this is a potentially decent workaround, one of the main reasons this whole bug annoys me is that the traits you’ve earned (such as valedictorian) don’t work. One of the most rewarding traits to earn in my opinion is the high school years graduation traits (honours, valedictorian etc) so I don’t want to have to cheat this just so everything else works. Hopefully EA sort out a fix soon.

  • I’m experiencing the same issue however I see there is a fix for this problem. I saw another comment from a different thread that said if you graduate the sim early (early graduation it could be the day sims the age up) the sim will be prompted for the third trait I just did it and it worked!

  • usernameeee2025's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer
    3 days ago

    This is a workaround, not a fix. By doing what you've suggested, you miss out on achieving the high school years graduation traits.

  • I have the same issue. It happened in a save after I went to the high-school and the high-school glitches.

    If I can be smart enough for 5 minutes to send my save I will. 

  • CharityCodes's avatar
    New Veteran
    3 days ago

    Agreed. And for story telling purposes, what if I want to graduate with a B or C grade? If you graduate early, then you have to get an A first. It's not even a work around for all situations.

  • Ive also had this problem starting before the last two updates. The only way I've found to correct having a third trait and changing aspiration is by using the cas cheat to open those options up. 

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