what battlefield should actually be like
in the new battlefield trailer, we see soldiers and modern war theme. this theme should be maintained and not ruined. something that easily ruin it is the cosmetics. looking at the cod and similar games, they are experiencing extreme identity issues. skins and guns look like everything except real soldiers and real weapons. EA can manage the needs for a good battlefield and microtransactions. for example stricted cosmetics for guns. all should have a realistic color and all should be in solid or camouflage style. just like battlefield 3, all guns with all cosmetics still looked real and matched the theme. for soldiers, each side, Russia, USA, China or everything else should have their own type of gears and soldiers. i recently heard some expressions about "nameless soldiers" which is self-explanatory. these soldiers should not look like battlefield 2042's operators. they must all have helmets and masks, not to be "characteristic". in 2042 operators would look like heroes rather than soldiers. they do not have the same cloth that represents their faction. in new battlefield EA can use paid camouflage for each faction that maintain the theme of their uniforms just different colors like dark blue camo. gameplay needs some changes too. in 2042 the gunplay was so smooth and fast. which is opposite of what the usual battlefield is. gunplay should be heavy, the animation of holding guns should show the gun is moving in the soldier's hand the animation of soldier's head moving with the gun's weight is so satisfying for a battlefield game, one of the easiest things they can do is to remove traversal sprint. one type of sprint is enough. traversal sprint just looks so ugly and make the gameplay faster for no reason graphics and lightings were ruined from battlefield v. when you look at the maps in battlefield 2042, it doesn't look like a war-torn place. everything is so clean and bright. in maps we should have dusts and mud all over the place. or for example the sunlight in battlefield 3 which is so realistic. or lightings that can give you advantages like lasers or flashlight which blinds the enemy. it's not all about textures! the realism is what matters. it shouldn't look like a Disney animation. dice should not lose the atmosphere around the maps. story is really important. a long campaign with a good level design, removing the mission stories and focusing on a single campaign. my suggestion is we can have two characters from opposite sides and see thee war from both sides, so it get less propaganda in the game. overall, these are the most important points for a battlefield and i think maintaining the theme (not ruin it like what call of duty did to itself) is the most important one. if EA wants to know what players want, they should listen to these detailsCouple changes I would like
Hi, These new forums are better than AHQ by far. But there are a couple issues and changes I would like to make known. First of all, the way comments are sorted, the “community default” of having them all ignore that they are a reply is kinda bad. It would be much better if it defaulted to “threaded”(I have found the setting to fix this tho) Second of all, a preview button for a post would be fantastic, especially when making bug reports with images. Finally, this one is maybe a bug, my forums name doesn’t match my EA.com name, Lego9Fan[Improvement] Visuals for subanswers
It's ok when we got 1 question = many answers thread it's seems ok because all answers related to the main user who ask the question. But in the discussion some people (as myself) want to comment on other's thoughts or answers and there is no visual distinguish for that exept username tag like @user. Reddit got this with lines connecting replies. Disqus got this in tab / spacing for the subreply. And here just plain text with same position of text making it's hard to concentrate on the reading identifying whos talking to who just only with the @user naming. ThanksBug Academy EVO
Sto riscontrando dei problemi con l'Academy delle Future Stars. Una volta inserito il mio Pisilli 84 FS nelle sfide per i playstyles e averle terminate tutte, da un giorno all'altro é passato da essere Rarità Evoluzioni Future Stars ad essere Raritá Evoluzioni II e ovviamente non ho piu la possibilità di continuare tutte le EVO successive e portarlo a 91. Spero risolviate, so gia di non essere l'unico ad aver avuto questo problema.10Views0likes1CommentWhat is this
I just spent freshman-junior year of my WR’s development, and I earned the starting receiver spot at texas like week 3 of junior year. 85 OVR. 32,000 Trust (max). I am en route to put up 2600 yards… but during week 11 we lose to #4Alabama, and we were #1. We get bumped down to #6, no big deal. Until I hopped into the next game where I was pushed down to WR3 because two guys have a higher overall than I. Regardless of the fact I have 32,000 coach trust, and already did the position battles to earn WR1 back in week 3. I don’t understand why this is, it is very frustrating that it’s now setting me back in yardage, and I could lose my Heisman lead, and ruin my draft projection. Not sure if this is a bug, or if this is how it’s supposed to be. Anyone have anything similar happen? This should not exist on CFB26, especially after investing 3 seasons into it, just to get benched.Evo Retroactively Changed
Prolific Scorer Evo Changed? I used prolific scorer on my Esposito and he went up to 5* 5*. I noticed today he is now just 4* skills. Did EA retroactively add a max of 4* to this evo? Has anyone else noticed this? Why can EA just go in and reduce my players skill weeks later? That’s messed up. This was originally advertised, and functioned, as +2 SM without a cap.Squad battles closing randomly mid game
Whilst playing today I was finishing the last needed requirements for squad battles. In my final two games the “featured games” I was playing and then the game just crashed. The first one crashed after a penalty I scored and then the second game crashed after the opposition scored. Please fix I’m pissed off that I won’t get full rewards and this isn’t the first time this has happened