List of Traits in The Sims 4
Hello! Despite the discussion collecting these already existing, I've decided to make my own traits list due to how these forums work (it starts from the first post, not the last post, and it takes long to reach the last post). This list contains all the traits in-game, both visible and hidden, in these sections: Base Game Expansion Packs Game Packs Stuff Packs & Kits Non-Pack Filtered Visible Traits Non-Pack Filtered Hidden Traits Popular traits Update Log To add a trait, you'll need to use this cheat: traits.equip_trait [trait_codename] And to remove a trait, you'll need to use this cheat: traits.remove_trait [trait_codename] In both cheats, [trait_codename] needs to be replaced with trait's codename. For most of the personality traits, it's same as its name, but there are exceptions (Erratic for example). Find the trait codenames in the list below. These lists will be kept updated as patches and packs come out. Please do not post under these trait lists. If you'd like to suggest traits for the popular section or want to discuss some traits, please reply to either this post or someone else's.22KViews21likes89Comments[CURRENT ISSUE] Sims 4 DLC shows as installed, won't load in-game
Overview jump to: I have the CAS Demo installed jump to: I don't have the Demo or I'm not sure whether I do jump to: I have a Steam or Epic install jump to: I'm lost/please help There is currently an issue with Sims 4 where newly installed packs won't load in-game. The cause is that the EA App installs these packs into the wrong folder. The App shows the affected packs as installed, but the game doesn't read their data. The most common cause is having the Sims 4 CAS Demo installed, but this can also happen if a computer somehow has two copies of Sims 4 itself installed. In both cases, the game is running from one folder but the pack data is in the other. The fix is to find the folder where the packs are being installed, remove or rename this folder, clear the EA App's cache, and download the missing packs again. I have the CAS Demo installed If you have the CAS Demo installed, it will likely be here: Look inside the folder for your missing packs, for example in this case, EP13 (Growing Together) and SP16 (Tiny Living) are installed into this folder: The quick fix, which works at least some of the time, is to move these folders into the folder for the Sims 4's program files. You can find the proper file location within the EA App: open your library, click the Sims 4 icon, select Manage > View properties, and you'll see the file path. The pack folders, in this case EP13 and SP16 , need to go inside this Sims 4 folder; you can simply drag and drop them, or cut and paste. Once you've moved the folders, clear the EA App's cache and repair the game: open your game library, click the Sims 4 icon, and select Manage > Repair. Then load the game and see whether the affected packs load. If this doesn't help, you can rename the CAS Demo folder; any new name or additional characters should suffice. Or, if you have no use for the CAS Demo anymore, you can simply uninstall it through the Windows control panel or Start menu. If you get an error when trying to uninstall the Demo, restart your computer. Alternately, open the Task Manager, find the EABackgroundService in the background processes list, right-click its name, and select End Task, then try again. If you've already moved the packs' folders to the proper Sims 4 folder and it didn't work, it's best to delete these, clear the EA App's cache, and download fresh copies. You can download them through Manage > Manage Add-ons. ↑ I don't have the CAS Demo/I'm not sure If you don't have the CAS Demo installed, or you're not sure whether you do, you can run a search for the missing pack(s). Open a File Explorer window, click This PC in the left panel, then enter the name of the folder for an affected pack in the search field in the upper-right corner. (See this article for a full list of pack folder names.) For example, if Growing Together isn't loading in-game, search for EP13: You can see here that the folder is inside the CAS Demo folder, but you may also find that you have two "The Sims 4" folders for other reasons; these guidelines apply in any case. You'll also see a folder inside __Installer\DLC, usually a folder inside Delta, and perhaps other files if the pack includes a new world. These can be ignored; the only result that matters is the one directly inside a folder with "Sims 4" in the name, as underlined in red. In contrast, this is the result when searching for a properly-installed pack, in this case EP05 (Seasons): Once you locate the folders for the missing packs, you can try moving them to the proper location, i.e. the location the EA App lists for the game's program files. Clear the EA App's cache and repair the game afterwards. You can find it by opening your game library, clicking the Sims 4 icon, and selecting Manage > View properties: If this doesn't fix the issue, you can rename or uninstall the CAS Demo, if you have it, or delete the secondary folder. (If you get an error, restart your computer, or open the Task Manager and kill the EABackgroundService.) If this doesn't help either, you may need to do a clean uninstall and reinstall of all Sims 4 content, minus your user folder, as well as the EA App. ↑ I have a Steam or Epic install If you've installed Sims 4 through Steam or Epic, but you at some point installed the game through the EA App, the App may be installing packs into an old Sims 4 folder rather than the one that Steam or Epic uses. Here again, the first step is to search for one of your missing packs. Open a File Explorer window, click This PC in the left panel, then enter the name of the folder for an affected pack in the search field in the upper-right corner. (See this article for a full list of pack folder names.) For example, if Growing Together isn't loading in-game, search for EP13: The only thing that matters here is the EP13 folder installed directly inside "The Sims 4": this is the pack itself, and it needs to be in the same location as the rest of the game data. You can see that above, however, EP13 itself is installed into an EA Games folder, even though other folders labeled EP13 are inside Delta and __Installer within the Steam install's folder. The fix here is to delete the "The Sims 4" folder inside C:\Program Files\EA Games, or wherever that extra folder is. (If you can't delete it, restart your computer, and make sure the EA App and EABackgroundService are NOT running in the Task Manager.) Then clear the EA App's cache, restart your computer, and install only the affected packs, not the base game, through the EA App. If this doesn't help, you'll need to do a clean uninstall and reinstall of Sims 4 and the EA App. Please see here for more details. ↑ I'm lost/please help If the above doesn't help, please see the accepted solution of this thread, which should appear immediately below this post. You can also run a search for one or two missing packs, as described above, and post screenshots of the results in this thread. If you do this, be sure to list the packs that aren't working and those, if any, that do show up in-game. ↑Solved53KViews16likes931CommentsEA SPORTS™ WRC - How to use User Datagram Protocol (UDP) on PC
The Version 1.2.0 Update to EA SPORTS™ WRC introduces the User Datagram Protocol on PC, more commonly known as UDP. UDP data can be used to supply information from the game to external applications, such as motion platforms, dashboards, force-feedback steering wheels and LED devices. The information and files in this forum thread help to summarise these data structures so that developers of supporting hardware and software can configure them to work correctly with EA SPORTS™ WRC. EA SPORTS™ WRC - UDP Tememetry Guide (v1.2.0) This information is being provided under license from EA for reference purposes only and we do not make any representations or warranties about the accuracy or reliability of the information for any specific purpose.21KViews13likes0CommentsF1®23 - Créer une Course de Ligue
Bonjour à toutes et tous, Vous trouverez ici un petit tutoriel vous expliquant les différentes étapes à suivre pour créer votre propre Ligue sur F1 23. Vous pouvez effectuer les étapes sur votre smartphone ou bien un ordinateur. Flashez le QR Code qui se trouve dans le jeu Vous serez redirigé(e) sur le site Connectez vous ou inscrivez vous : Une fois connecté(e), sélectionnez le jeu F1 pour lequel vous souhaitez créer une ligue : (Remarque, cela fonctionne également pour F1 22) Cliquez sur Leagues (en haut) afin d'ouvrir le menu regroupant les Ligues : Cliquez sur Create a league : Entrez les informations de votre Ligue (nom de votre ligue, lien vers votre serveur Discord ou votre chaîne Youtube pour les diffusions) : Indiquez la plateforme et les règles de confidentialité (ligue privée ou ouverte) : Indiquez si vous (créateur de la ligue) souhaitez participer aux courses, et indiquez votre plateforme : Un récapitulatif apparaît à la page suivante, vérifiez que toutes les informations sont exactes et cliquez sur Create league : Votre ligue est créée mais elle est vide, vous devez donc créer des événements : Cliquez sur votre ligue fraichement créée (vous pouvez la retrouver en cliquant sur League en haut de page). Dans votre ligue, cliquez sur Create season : Ajoutez une course en cliquant sur Add event : Ajoutez les détails de votre course (circuit, météo, horaire de la course, jour et heure de l'événement) : Ajoutez autant d'événements que vous le souhaitez : Ajoutez un placement Précisions pour Tiering : Lorsque les ligues comptent plus de 20 pilotes, chaque membre peut être déplacé dans des niveaux de 20 définis comme égaux ou complets, avec différentes aides définies pour chaque niveau. Cela permet aux propriétaires d'organiser des ligues jusqu'à 1000 pilotes. La page suivante résumera vos paramètres et validera l'ensemble de vos événements en cliquant sur Complete : Votre ligue est créée Vous pouvez la retrouver dans League et la modifier en cliquant dessus : Sur votre console, vous pouvez désormais y avoir accès en rafraichissant la page ou en sortant et en revenant dans le salon Ligue. Si vous avez des questions concernant la création d'une ligue, laissez un commentaire afin de pouvoir vous aider.5KViews12likes19CommentsEgonVM's Ultimate NPC Making Guide 2.0
So yeah, due to how these forums work with the spoilers, the original guide is somewhat messed up and updating it would result in loss of information. So, after some consideration, I've decided to make a V2.0 thread on it, using the similar approach to the List of Traits with link trees and each pack being in its own post (so it is collapsible). This thread will have two main posts under which I'll post the info. Please do not reply under them. You may reply to this post or other replies (including mine). Links to important replies: NPC Making List Additional Guides But how does it all work? Basically, if you ever wanted to make custom NPC sims, good news is that most of them can be done without any mods. The main cheats you are going to require are those: testingcheats on traits.equip_trait [trait_codename] careers.add_career [career_codename] In the guide, there are 5 types of "difficulties" I'm going to use (and emojis I'm using with it): 🔷Played-Friendly - These ones, usually traits, can not only also be taken from sims the Played Households, switching to the household the sim is in won't make them lose their NPC status. 📝Simply Assign a Career/Trait - These will lose their NPC status when you play with them. The usual way of making those is by making these sims, equipping them with the required traits and/or careers, then evicting them. 🏙Location-Based Career - Unfortunately, this is where the career location matters, and it is the venue they'll be working at. As to my knowledge, there isn't any way to set a career location to a sim without mods, the best bet here is to modify sims already working there or make one of the custom sim unplayed and hope they'll appear in that role. 🔻Must Be Unplayed - You may assign a required career and/or trait, but they'll won't appear in the role until you set the household to be unplayed. 👨👩👧👦Out of Control - Welp, these sims are chosen randomly from a broad selection. No way to influence the game to pick the sim you want... And in addition, these emojis represent the following: ✅️ Must have, meaning that your sim must have that skill, trait, career etc to appear in this role. 🟡 Optional, meaning that your sim can have it for the game to consider them more for the role, but they don't need to have it. Sometimes used in sub-types. ❌️ Mustn't have, meaning if your sim has the skill, trait, career etc, the game will never place them in the role even when all other conditions are met. ❕ Splits into sub-types, meaning that for the sim to appear in the role, they must meet at least one of the requirements in the following list below for the game to consider them. Ghosts and sims that are currently at work are usually excluded. In addition, this list shows the sims that will be excluded from the most of the roles: I've also decided to bring out templates too. These are not important when making NPC sims, but are rather some interesting side-info on how sims are generated for the role by the game. So yeah, look at the list and have fun making your own NPC sims!16KViews11likes414CommentsMod & CC Issues: START HERE
Something's wrong in-game and it might be your mods or CC? Here's where to start. Broken and Updated Mods and CC The current list: Broken and Updated Mods and CC: 1.113, Feb. 25, 2025 Game Update Previously Broken: Previously Broken Sims 4 Mods and CC The previous list, for patch 1.112 (14 January 2024): here How to Use and Test Mods and CC How to Use Mods and CC talks about all sorts of issues, including where to find mods (and what to look out for!) how to properly install them common reasons your game isn't finding them how to manage when the game updates and important troubleshooting tests, including: "vanilla" testing to find out if a mod/CC is definitely your cause or if it's more likely a game issue "50-50" testing to locate broken items in the Mods folder (NOTE: The instructions here include info often missing from other sets of instructions on how to do this!) The Mod and CC Issues Master Post The Mod and CC Issues Master Post covers links to previous (archived) Broken/Updated Mods and CC lists common symptoms of outdated mods, and their known causes Support For issues with mod folder, corrupt files, etc. on a Mac, please see [INFO] Using Mods/CC on a Mac Support posts for getting mods to work in general can be made in the Mod and CC Forum. (Please do note there are tags you can use, too!) For help with using a specific mod, find the creator's own support. Most creators have a Discord server or comments area you can contact them in. - Luth (luthienrising)5.8KViews7likes0CommentsThe Sims 4 Blast From the Past Event - stuck with a quest
Hello, I rarely have problems with in-game events in The Sims 4, but today when I started playing the Event, Week 2, I got stuck with a simple quest (Echoes of Time) when you go to a Museum and your sim has to "Study a Historical Display". The problem is, the only option I get is to "View" a scuplture, a painting and even though I did it so many times with different families and households on various Museum lots, nothing happened and I can"t move forward. Please, let me know whether this is a bug, so I'm not the only one experiencing it, or it's just my problem (I don't know :-( Thank you very much for your help :-)SolvedF1®23 - Liste des volants et casques RV pris en charge
Bonjour les pilotes, Nous avons compilé une liste de tous les volants et casques à réalité virtuelle pris en charge sur F1 23. Hey Racers, We compiled a list of all supported wheel and VR headset devices for F1 23 PS4 Fanatec CSL Elite PS4 + Elite rim Fanatec CSL Elite PS4 + P1 rim Fanatec CSL Elite PS4 + Universal Hub rim Fanatec CSL Elite PS4 + McLaren GT3 rim Fanatec CSL Elite PS4 + Porsche 918 rim Fanatec CSL Elite PS4 + BMW GT2 rim Fanatec CSL Elite PS4 + Formula Rim Fanatec CSL Elite PS4 + CS Wheel F1 rim Fanatec CSL Elite PS4 + F1® Esports Fanatec CSL Elite PS4 + Formula v2 Fanatec DD1 + Podium rim Fanatec DD1 + P1 rim Fanatec DD1 + Elite rim Fanatec DD1 + Universal Hub rim Fanatec DD1 + McLaren GT3 rim Fanatec DD1 + Porsche 918 rim Fanatec DD1 + BMW GT2 rim Fanatec DD1 + Formula Rim Fanatec DD1 + CS Wheel F1 rim Fanatec DD1 + F1® Esports Fanatec DD1 + Formula v2 Fanatec CSL DD/Pro Thrustmaster T80 Thrustmaster T150 Thrustmaster T300 + PS rim Thrustmaster T300 + P310 Rim Thrustmaster T300 + F1 Rim Thrustmaster T300 + GTE Rim Thrustmaster T300 + 599XX Evo Rim Thrustmaster T300 + Leather 28 GT Thrustmaster T300 + SF1000 Rim Thrustmaster T500 + GT rim Thrustmaster T500 + P310 Rim Thrustmaster T500 + F1 Rim Thrustmaster T500 + GTE Rim Thrustmaster T500 + 599XX Evo Rim Thrustmaster T500 + Leather 28 GT Thrustmaster TGT + Default rim Thrustmaster TGT + P310 Rim Thrustmaster TGT + F1 Rim Thrustmaster TGT + GTE Rim Thrustmaster TGT + 599XX Evo Rim Thrustmaster TGT + Leather 28 GT Thrustmaster TGT + SF1000 Rim Thrustmaster T248 Logitech® G29 Logitech® G923 for PlayStation®/PC Hurricane Pace Wheel Hori Racing Wheel Apex PS5 Fanatec CSL Elite PS4 + Elite rim Fanatec CSL Elite PS4 + P1 rim Fanatec CSL Elite PS4 + Universal Hub rim Fanatec CSL Elite PS4 + McLaren GT3 rim Fanatec CSL Elite PS4 + Porsche 918 rim Fanatec CSL Elite PS4 + BMW GT2 rim Fanatec CSL Elite PS4 + Formula Rim Fanatec CSL Elite PS4 + CS Wheel F1 rim Fanatec CSL Elite PS4 + F1® Esports Fanatec CSL Elite PS4 + Formula v2 Fanatec DD1 + Podium rim Fanatec DD1 + P1 rim Fanatec DD1 + Elite rim Fanatec DD1 + Universal Hub rim Fanatec DD1 + McLaren GT3 rim Fanatec DD1 + Porsche 918 rim Fanatec DD1 + BMW GT2 rim Fanatec DD1 + Formula Rim Fanatec DD1 + CS Wheel F1 rim Fanatec DD1 + F1® Esports Fanatec DD1 + Formula v2 Fanatec CSL DD/Pro Thrustmaster T80 Thrustmaster T150 Thrustmaster T300 + PS rim Thrustmaster T300 + P310 Rim Thrustmaster T300 + F1 Rim Thrustmaster T300 + GTE Rim Thrustmaster T300 + 599XX Evo Rim Thrustmaster T300 + Leather 28 GT Thrustmaster T300 + SF1000 Rim Thrustmaster T500 + GT rim Thrustmaster T500 + P310 Rim Thrustmaster T500 + F1 Rim Thrustmaster T500 + GTE Rim Thrustmaster T500 + 599XX Evo Rim Thrustmaster T500 + Leather 28 GT Thrustmaster TGT + Default rim Thrustmaster TGT + P310 Rim Thrustmaster TGT + F1 Rim Thrustmaster TGT + GTE Rim Thrustmaster TGT + 599XX Evo Rim Thrustmaster TGT + Leather 28 GT Thrustmaster TGT + SF1000 Rim Thrustmaster T248 Logitech® G29 Logitech® G923 for PlayStation®/PC Hori Racing Wheel Apex Xbox One Fanatec ClubSport v1 + Universal Hub rim Fanatec ClubSport v1 + CSL P1 rim Fanatec ClubSport v2 + Universal Hub rim Fanatec ClubSport v2 + CSL P1 rim Fanatec Clubsport v2 + Mclaren GT3 rim Fanatec Clubsport v2 + Formula v2 rim Fanatec ClubSport v2.5 + Universal Hub rim Fanatec ClubSport v2.5 + CSL P1 rim Fanatec Clubsport v2.5 + Mclaren GT3 rim Fanatec Clubsport v2.5 + Formula v2 rim Fanatec CSL Elite Xbox + Universal Hub rim Fanatec CSL Elite Xbox + CSL P1 rim Fanatec CSL Elite Xbox + Mclaren GT3 rim Fanatec CSL Elite Xbox + Formula v2 rim Fanatec DD1 + Universal Hub rim Fanatec DD1 + CSL P1 rim Fanatec DD1 + McLaren GT3 rim Fanatec DD1 + Formula v2 Fanatec DD2 + Universal Hub rim Fanatec DD2 + CSL P1 rim Fanatec DD2 + McLaren GT3 rim Fanatec DD2 + Formula v2 MadCatz Pro Racing Thrustmaster Ferrari 458 SpiderRacing Thrustmaster TMX Thrustmaster TX + Sparco P310 Thrustmaster TX + Ferrari 458 rim Thrustmaster TX + F1 rim Thrustmaster TX + Ferrari GTE rim Thrustmaster TX + Evo 599 rim Thrustmaster TX + Leather 28 GT Thrustmaster TX Racer + SF1000 Rim Thrustmaster TS-XW Racer + Sparco P310 Thrustmaster TS-XW Racer + F1 rim Thrustmaster TS-XW Racer + Ferrari GTE rim Thrustmaster TS-XW Racer + Evo 599 rim Thrustmaster TS-XW Racer + Leather 28 GT Thrustmaster TS-XW Racer + SF1000 Rim Thrustmaster T248 Logitech® G920 Logitech® G923 for Xbox®/PC Hori Racing Wheel Overdrive Hori Force Feedback Racing Wheel Xbox Series S|X Fanatec DD1 + Universal Hub rim Fanatec DD1 + CSL P1 rim Fanatec DD1 + McLaren GT3 rim Fanatec DD1 + Formula v2 Fanatec DD2 + Universal Hub rim Fanatec DD2 + CSL P1 rim Fanatec DD2 + McLaren GT3 rim Fanatec DD2 + Formula v2 MadCatz Pro Racing Thrustmaster Ferrari 458 SpiderRacing Thrustmaster TMX Thrustmaster TX + Sparco P310 Thrustmaster TX + Ferrari 458 rim Thrustmaster TX + F1 rim Thrustmaster TX + Ferrari GTE rim Thrustmaster TX + Evo 599 rim Thrustmaster TX + Leather 28 GT Thrustmaster TX Racer + SF1000 Rim Thrustmaster TS-XW Racer + Sparco P310 Thrustmaster TS-XW Racer + F1 rim Thrustmaster TS-XW Racer + Ferrari GTE rim Thrustmaster TS-XW Racer + Evo 599 rim Thrustmaster TS-XW Racer + Leather 28 GT Thrustmaster TS-XW Racer + SF1000 Rim Thrustmaster T248 Logitech® G920 Logitech® G923 for Xbox®/PC Hori Racing Wheel Overdrive Hori Force Feedback Racing Wheel PC Fanatec ClubSport v1 + BMW GT2 rim Fanatec ClubSport v1 + Formula Rim Fanatec ClubSport v1 + Porsche 918 rim Fanatec ClubSport v1 + F1® Esports rim Fanatec ClubSport v2 + Xbox P1 rim Fanatec ClubSport v2 + PS4 Elite rim Fanatec ClubSport v2 + Universal Hub rim Fanatec ClubSport v2 + BMW rim Fanatec ClubSport v2 + Formula Rim Fanatec ClubSport v2 + Mclaren GT3 rim Fanatec ClubSport v2 + Porsche 918 rim Fanatec ClubSport v2 + CS Wheel F1 rim Fanatec Clubsport v2 + F1® Esports rim Fanatec ClubSport v2 + Formula v2 rim Fanatec ClubSport v2.5 + Xbox P1 rim Fanatec ClubSport v2.5 + PS4 Elite rim Fanatec ClubSport v2.5 + Universal Hub rim Fanatec ClubSport v2.5 + BMW rim Fanatec ClubSport v2.5 + Formula rim Fanatec ClubSport v2.5 + Mclaren GT3 rim Fanatec ClubSport v2.5 + Porsche 918 rim Fanatec ClubSport v2.5 + CS Wheel F1 rim Fanatec Clubsport v2.5 + F1® Esports rim Fanatec ClubSport v2.5 + Formula v2 rim Fanatec CSR Elite rim Fanatec CSL + Elite Xbox P1 rim Fanatec CSL + Elite PS4 rim Fanatec CSL Elite + Universal Hub rim Fanatec CSL Elite + Formula Rim Fanatec CSL Elite + BMW rim Fanatec CSL Elite + McLaren GT3 rim Fanatec CSL Elite + Porsche 918 rim Fanatec CSL Elite + CS Wheel F1 rim Fanatec CSL Elite + F1® Esports rim Fanatec CSL Elite + Formula v2 rim Fanatec Xbox CSL Elite + Xbox P1 rim Fanatec Xbox CSL Elite + PS4 rim Fanatec Xbox CSL Elite + Universal Hub rim Fanatec Xbox CSL Elite + BMW rim Fanatec Xbox CSL Elite + Formula rim Fanatec Xbox Elite + McLaren GT3 rim Fanatec Xbox Elite + Porsche 918 rim Fanatec Xbox Elite + CS Wheel F1 rim Fanatec Xbox Elite + F1® Esports rim Fanatec Xbox Elite + Formula v2 rim Fanatec Podium DD1 + Elite Xbox P1 rim Fanatec Podium DD1 + Elite PS4 rim Fanatec Podium DD1 + Uni Hub rim Fanatec Podium DD1 + BMW rim Fanatec Podium DD1 + Formula rim Fanatec Podium DD1 + McLaren GT3 rim Fanatec Podium DD1 + Porsche 918 rim Fanatec Podium DD1 + CS Wheel F1 rim Fanatec Podium DD1 + F1® Esports rim Fanatec Podium DD1 + Formula v2 rim Fanatec Podium DD2 + Elite Xbox P1 rim Fanatec Podium DD2 + Elite PS4 rim Fanatec Podium DD2 + Uni Hub rim Fanatec Podium DD2 + BMW rim Fanatec Podium DD2 + Formula rim Fanatec Podium DD2 + McLaren GT3 rim Fanatec Podium DD2 + Porsche 918 rim Fanatec Podium DD2 + CS Wheel F1 rim Fanatec Podium DD2 + F1® Esports rim Fanatec Podium DD2 + Formula v2 rim Fanatec Podium DD1 Podium + Elite Xbox P1 rim Fanatec Podium DD1 Podium + Elite PS4 rim Fanatec Podium DD1 Podium + Uni Hub rim Fanatec Podium DD1 Podium + BMW rim Fanatec Podium DD1 Podium + Formula rim Fanatec Podium DD1 Podium + McLaren GT3 rim Fanatec Podium DD1 Podium + Porsche 918 rim Fanatec Podium DD1 Podium + CS Wheel F1 rim Fanatec Podium DD1 Podium + F1® Esports rim Fanatec Podium DD1 Podium + Formula v2 rim Fanatec CSL DD Logitech® G923 for PlayStation®/PC Logitech® G923 for Xbox®/PC Logitech® G29 Logitech® G920 Logitech® G27 Logitech® G25 Thrustmaster T150 Thrustmaster TMX Thrustmaster T300 + PS rim Thrustmaster T300 + Racer Sparco P310 Thrustmaster T300 + Ferrari GTE rim Thrustmaster T300 + F1 rim Thrustmaster T300 + TM Leather 28 GT Thrustmaster T300 + EVO 599 Thrustmaster TX + SF1000 Rim Thrustmaster T500 + GT rim Thrustmaster T500 + Racer Sparco P310 Thrustmaster T500 + Ferrari GTE rim Thrustmaster T500 + F1 rim Thrustmaster T500 + TM Leather 28 GT Thrustmaster T500 + EVO 599 Thrustmaster TX + Ferrari 458 rim Thrustmaster TX + Racer Sparco P310 Thrustmaster TX + Ferrari GTE rim Thrustmaster TX + F1 rim Thrustmaster TX + TM Leather 28 GT Thrustmaster TX + EVO 599 Thrustmaster TX + SF1000 Rim Thrusmaster TS-PC + Default Thrustmaster TS-PC + Racer Sparco P310 Thrusmaster TS-PC + GTE Thrusmaster TS-PC + F1 Thrustmaster TS-PC + Leather 28 GT Thrusmaster TS-PC + EVO 599 Thrustmaster TS-PC + 488 Challenge Ed Thrustmaster TS-PC + SF1000 Rim Thrustmaster TS-XW + Racer Sparco P310 Thrustmaster TS-XW + GTE Thrustmaster TS-XW + F1 Thrustmaster TS-XW + Leather 28 GT Thrustmaster TS-XW + Evo 599 Thrustmaster TS-XW + SF1000 Rim Thrustmaster TGT + Default rim Thrustmaster TGT + Racer Sparco P310 Thrustmaster TGT + GTE Thrustmaster TGT + F1 Thrustmaster TGT + Leather 28 GT Thrustmaster TGT + Evo 599 Thrustmaster TGT + SF1000 Rim Thrustmaster T248 Leo Bodnar SimSteering v2 SimXperience Accuforce Hori Racing Wheel Apex Hori Force Feedback Racing Wheel Moza R5 + GS Wheel Rim Moza R5 + FSR Wheel Rim Moza R9 + GS Wheel Rim Moza R9 + FSR Wheel Rim Moza R16 + GS Wheel Rim Moza R16 + FSR Wheel Rim Moza R21 + GS Wheel Rim Moza R21 + FSR Wheel Rim Simagic M10 + GT1 Rim Simagic Alpha + FX Pro Rim Simucube 2 Wheel Base Autres Fanatec ClubSport Steering Wheel F1® Esports Fanatec ClubSport Steering Wheel Formula v2 Fanatec CSL Elite McLaren GT3 Thrustmaster Ferrari 458 Rim Thrustmaster Ferrari F1 Rim Thrustmaster Ferrari GTE Rim Thrustmaster GT Rim Thrustmaster Leather 28 GT Rim Thrustmaster PS Rim Fanatec ClubSport Shifter SQ v1.5 Logitech Driving Force Shifter Thrustmaster TH8 RS Shifter Thrustmaster TH8A Add-On Shifter Casques RV Valve Index Oculus Quest 2 and Link Cable Oculus Rift S HTC Vive HTC Vive Cosmos3.9KViews5likes0CommentsThe All🧾= 3.5/4.5* EAFC 24 Squad Building Clanneges Compensation Thread DOD ❤️
The best thread on the (new) forum is back for yet another year. Welcome back to any EA formers that have moved across and to any existing AHQ users 😀 Feel free to post anything in here, whether it be geckos, Skorpio posting pictures of a 5m pull with a view of his entire living room, Bagnall crafting a 6m SBC for 16k, Moiizer advertising his OnlyFans or Orison flexing his skill rating. ALL TALK OF FUTZONE, BASKETBALL AND RAPTORS IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED Here's to another 1000+ hours of league sbcs13KViews5likes1985Comments