@lordalmighty1 Gibby with purple armor would only have 250, not 275. You seem to forget that they nerfed his arm shield.
Also, why should a difficult character to hit take less damage? They are hard to hit, so they shouldn't be buffed even further by taking less damage when they're actually hit.
You overestimate Gibby. He can tank damage, he is also a more stationary character. Just flank or use any other tactic than a head on 1v1 fight where you trade blows. Grenades, peeking, using abilities, there are tons of options. Gibby also has a huge hitbox, so running away isn't really an option for him.
True, good players will still hit Wraith, but it is more difficult.
How would a wraith be unaware of an enemy watching her? she literally has a passive that will warn her of this.
How is aim controlled by rng?