Ward-Prowse? Nottingham Forrest Card still in packs
Hi, I’m building a West Ham evo team so was wondering when JWP’s updated card would be added in to the game? Ferguson has been given West Ham card but for some reason I’m still packing the Nottingham Forrest version of Ward-Prowse despite him returning before Ferguson arrived? When will this be fixed as I don’t want to evo the Nottingham Forrest version only to have a West Ham variant be added. Also on the West Ham subject… why is the pack weight of West Ham bronzes so low! Rare as anything on the market and haven’t had one after spending over 300k on bronze packs. Luckily bought a Sean Moore on the market but I’m convinced Swyer is out of packs, I’m more likely to pack a 3 mil coin player than an ordinary bronze West Ham player! Image of Ward-Prowse packed yesterday.29Views0likes0Comments