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Progression not working properly for weapons and vehicles (Solo/Coop AI)
Product: Battlefield 2042 Platform:Steam-PC Please specify your platform model. PC AMD or Nvidia Model Number Nvidia RTX 2060 Super Enter RAM memory size in GB 32GB Are you using any software with an overlay? Yes If yes, can you list them here? Nvidia If you disable this software, does that have any effect? No Which part of the game is the issue happening in? Multiplayer Which part of the mode? Conquest Please select your region North America On which server did this happen? Solo/Coop AI When did this happen? ( hh:mm) 11/13/2021 Summarize your bug Attachments and vehicle progression not working. I'll use a weapon for a number of games getting kills with it, but no attachments will unlock for it. Same issue with the vehicles. How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%) Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? Just use any weapon and play with it, and try and unlock an attachment. What happens when the bug occurs? No progression items unlock after meeting the required amount of kills. What should be happening instead? I should be able to unlock my attachments while using that weapon, after getting the required amount of kills. Nope.56KViews279likes2891CommentsBattlefield 2042 Easter Eggs Compilation
Here's a compilation of known Easter Egg (EE) discoveries so far by the Battlefield community. Most of these were originally discovered by members of the BFEE community (you may need to join the Discord server first via I'll add to this list as more EEs get discovered. You can see a compilation of honorable mentions in post #6 below. Other numbered EEs will be hyperlinked to their respective posts due to character restrictions within this post. Enjoy! Note: any lack of discovery credit is usually because it's not known or too difficult to determine. Battlefield 2042 Easter Egg Compilation 1. Important Notice On Kaleidoscope, reach the Yonco building roof and you'll find a sign in Korean revealing mysterious accidents involving penguins: Important Notice Penguins are not allowed on this rooftop due to previous accidents with penguins. Discovery credit: JAM_BOX 2. Angel's loadout crate a) Barcode: Translates from Morse code to "PINGVIN", the Swedish word for penguin: Image, translation, and discovery credit: JAM_BOX b) Swedish warning label: The text in quotes is a Swedish idiom used when threatening another: WARNING The box is very heavy. Try to avoid getting it on your head. The box is not a toy. "Now the enemy has planted his last potato." Translation credit: CiaranDN11 And next to the second barcode further down: A-stamp. Does not get better than this. c) Battlefield franchise titles: Above the top barcode you can find a sequence of numbers. They refer to previous BF titles: 3. The Penguins of Madagascar On Breakaway in Breakthrough mode, you're able to approach the penguins near the oil rig without scaring them away. There, you may come across a group of four penguins that are suspiciously isolated from the rest of the penguin colony. This posse references the penguin quartet from the various "Madagascar" animated films. From left to right: Private, Kowalski, Skipper, and Rico. 4. Penguin drawings On Breakaway, you can find three penguin drawings at various locations. They show a penguin(s) as a: chef, flamethrower, and passengers riding a dinosaur. The last example references YouTuber DANNYonPC's avatar. Drawings are by DICE Level Artist Joel Zakrisson. You can also find the dinosaur drawing on the Redacted map next in the medbay. Image credit: Flex4d 5. Petting the Dog (Ranger) After you've called-in a Ranger, press and hold the interaction key as you stand by it, and you'll be able to pet your dog: Video credit: dog driving a car Image credit: Battlefield 2042 6. Faith's "Evade" parkour shoes from Mirror's Edge a) On Kaleidoscope, go to the Telecom building's rooftop (next to the two tallest buildings): b) On Flashpoint, atop the crane on CQ objective D. Image & discovery credit: Jaymz l 21 l [XBOX]#7857 7. AI soldier names a) DICE / EA staff: When playing with AI soldiers of the US faction, some of the soldiers are employees at DICE / EA. One example is ""N. EK"", which refers to Sr. UX Designer Nathalie Ek at DICE in Sweden. Initially, employees weren't given a rank, but have subsequently been given ranks. b) In memoriam: Similarly, some dedicated fans found their way into the game as an AI name. Some of you may know of the late Leonardo (better known as "Mighty"), a huge fan of the Battlefield series. EA/DICE was kind enough to include his name not only in the credits, but also as an AI bot, "COL. L. MIGHTY". It is very rare to come across his name, and I for one have yet to see it. But, after (apparently over 200) hours of searching, Mighty's father finally found him in the game: Video & discovery credit: Mighty 8. ☃️ 3 Snowmen ☃️ On Breakaway, you can find 3 snowmen: Image credit: KingSgaming™ Image credit: hackterr#0851 9. Shadow of the Colossus game On Discarded, you can find a Colossus sigil referencing the "Shadow of the Colossus" game: Video credit: Dr3dze 10. Idle sneeze If you idle for too long, your character will eventually sneeze loudly. Extra detail - the game will consider your character as "idle" when playing with Casper's drone. Thus, Casper will eventually sneeze, and his drone view will shake in response. Furthermore, you'll able to watch yourself sneeze from the drone. Video credit: TheTopDawg101 11. Go Taxi Tuk-Tuk's phone number On Kaleidoscope, the Go Taxi branded Tuk-Tuks have a phone number referring to the seven main Battlefield titles in chronological order: 1942, 2, 3, 4, 1, 5, and 2042. This was originally discovered in the BF 2042 reveal trailer: 12. Full Circle studio logo At the skatepark on Kaleidoscope, you can find the Full Circle studio logo at 2 locations: 13. Manifest UpDown Games logo on distant skyscrapers On Manifest, references to Norwegian game studio UpDown Games can be seen off in the distance on 3 buildings. The first one is easiest to see as it's closer. The second one can be found further back to the right of the Ferris wheel. The third one requires an upclose inspection on the GOK building's slanted roof along the lighted edge, which reveals a collage of various logos including several for UpDown Games: Image credit: DANNYonPC 14. C5 detonator messages When detonating the C5, you may come across 10 unique messages on the detonator, with two shown below: NOPE! DESTROYED! BYE BYE! KABOOM! OUTCH! [sic] C5 GO BRRRRR DETONATED! C5 ACTIVATED! ELIMINATED! GONE 15. Piano cover of Battlefield theme song on radio You may hear a familiar tune playing at times on the radio. It's a piano/keyboard cover of the BF theme song. You may hear it playing in the elevator, while riding vehicles, or at various locations that have wireless radios strewn about the map. Video credit: Davil 16. "McArthur" movie poster The McArthur movie poster references DICE Sr. Producer Ryan McArthur and Presentation Director Pascal Eggert: Image credit: Flex4d 17. "Awesome Direct Shipping Extreme Fast" shipping label On various maps, you may come across boxes with shipping labels. They're addressed to: "Sorry nothing funny to read here". 18. 🦖T-Rex toy in football stadium 🦖 On Hourglass, on the concourse floor in between the two #310 seating entrances (CQ large objectives A2 & A3), you'll find the classic T-Rex toy found in previous BF titles. Moreover, the 310 number may be a reference to the area code of West LA, home to Ripple Effect Studios (fmr. DICE LA). And, it's the same T-Rex toy that Irish finds and gives to his adopted son, Omar, in the "Exodus" short film. The T-Rex remains at the same location on the Stadium map. Discovery credit: the_monotonist 19. Kaleidoscope "PTFO" message on public transportation maps At each of Kaleidoscope's bus stop locations, nine of the station names can be read as a message: "WHY ARE YOU READING THIS?... PLAY THE FUDGING OBJECTIVE" 20. Banana & Clock There are 2 instances of banana and clock assets. One is on Breakaway at the oil rig, and the other is on Manifest on the PACIFIC ship at C1. The latter is accompanied by a shipping container full of bananas. Peculiarly, the digital clock shows a time of 15:00 (or 3:00 PM). If you look more closely at the banana, you'll notice that there's a sticker that's been poorly peeled off. The banana and clock assets were originally found in BFV, with the analog clock showing a time of 3:00. They seem to have a further meaning and are obviously related to the driss pod and chronometer in Star Wars: Battlefront II. Apparently, according to DICE 3D Level Artist Joel Zakrisson who is responsible for their creation, what the asset pair refers to is "possibly more obvious in another dice game" (that game most likely refers to BFV, given the date of the Tweet; however, the pair appears once again in BF 2042, so it in turn also applies to BF 2042): Image credit: Diktaattori 21. Trollface Graffiti On Renewal, you can find the signature internet meme trollface (or "troll face") on select areas of the wall: 22. Evidence of FPS gaming on keyboards On some keyboards, you can see that the WASD keys are worn out. The left keys for CTRL, SHIFT, ALT, and slightly the 2, are also worn out. You may also find this detail on non-BF2042 maps such as on the BF3 MCOM and the BC2 UAV system keyboard: 23. "Fatburen" on HZ Resupply Stations & Strike Team Mode Objective Crate In Hazard Zone, the ammo resupply stations have a metal plaque with the DICE HQ location in Sweden. The same exists on Strike Team Mode's objective crate. The characters following "Fatburen" and "Stockholm" have an undeciphered message: Fatburen Stockholm 23442 234234.234V.1 Image credit: Tobyloby 24. QR Codes a) AI soldiers On the chests of AI bots, there's a QR code. When scanned, it'll take you to the EA page to purchase the 2042 game: Image credit: the_monotonist b) Kaleidoscope Emergency Alert On various locations on Kaleidoscope, you may come across the emergency alert message shown below. At the bottom right, you will see a QR code. When scanned, you'll be taken to DICE's Careers page: Image credit: the_monotonist c) PBX-45 SMG On the "Downpour" skin for the PBX-45 SMG, there's a unique QR code. When scanned, it will take you to the Google search result for "submachine gun". Additionally, on most skins of the PBX-45, the manufacturer is DICE SWE in Stockholm, Sweden. Image & QR code scanning credit: MrJacobvich#4242 d) BF3 SOFLAM - On the BF3 variant of the SOFLAM, there's a QR code that takes you to the Google search result for "SOFLAMLASER MARKER SYSTEM". Image & QR code scan credit: MrJacobvich#4242 e) SWS-10's "Elusive Stalker" Skin f) Falck's "Righteous Path" Skin 25. Haggard's Tactical Beanie The Weekly Mission reward beginning 10 February 2022 is a subtle reference to Bad Company's Haggard and his signature tactical beanie. DICE's Lead Game Mode Designer, Matt Wagner, confirmed this: Irish's "No Cap" headwear from Season 2 tier 46 also appears to be the same beanie. 26. Shruggie emoticon when Rao hacks While hacking as Rao, your HUD will briefly flash computer code. One instance reveals a shruggie emoticon: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. Another is the first line in the image below, which shows his hack is "attempting to greet with exodus_handshake.dat", most likely referencing the Exodus ship: 27. Wetter brand M44 revolver Most skins of the M44 revolver is made by "Wetter". That brand name refers to Animator Oskar Wetterbrandt, who worked on animating many of the guns for BF 2042, including the M44 revolver. On the other side of the revolver, you can see the full brand name "Wetterbrandt Arms". Moreover, the "920508" number specifically refers to the dev's birthday of 1992 May 8. Discovery credit: DANNYonPC Association credit: Flex4d 28. "Made From Home" coffee mug At the now defunct weapon Loadout screen, a black mug with text could be seen off to the corner of the weapon case. The mug read "Made From Home", in reference to the COVID lockdowns that forced much of the game to be made from home, and the IRL mugs that the Battlefield 2042 development team received. Also, you may barely be able to see the mug at the main landing page where your specialist is shown standing inside the Exodus ship (last image). Discovery credit: HotelMama Image credit: Battlefield 2042 Photo credit: Daniel Berlin 29. DICE LA House Band posters Although originally from the Bad Company 2 game, these posters were added to more locations on Arica Harbor. You can read a little more about it in a Tweet made by one of the band members and Senior VO Designer at Ripple Effect Studios (formerly DICE LA) Rob Gardner. Image credit: RobGzzzLA 30. ☼ DK+YN On Discarded, at CQ objective B2, you may come across the initials "DK" and "YN". These initials appear to be for Ripple Effect Studios' Lighting and Look Dev Directors David Kintner + Yuta Nakamura. Above the initials, there's a drawing of a sun, which may also be an ambiguous image to look like an eye or a magnifying glass (when incorporating part of the "Y"), to mean "Lighting" and "Look", respectively. 31. 🥝 Just Eat It 🥝 On Arica Harbor, unlike on the original BC2 map, you'll find a handwritten menu of available fruits on some of the storefront windows. At the very bottom, you'll find that the kiwi is crossed out, as the store ran out of it. It's seemingly very inconspicuous but there may be more to it. On the final mission of the original Bad Company 2 game, you'll come across an area of the plane dedicated to developers' photos/EEs. One of the items is a poster advertisement for kiwis, which may be why the kiwi is crossed out. 32. Rare reload & draw animations a) PBX-45: Your character gestures with an OK hand sign Discovery and video credit: Redx b) M60E4: Gun drops out of sight Discovery & video credit: MrJacobvich#4242 c) M416: Magazine tossed up directly into receiver Discovery & video credit: u/DerSergeant d) M16A3: Jedi force pull Discovery & video credit: u/EthicaI e) MP443: Mag toss up Discovery & video credit: DANNYonPC f) M44 revolver: Spin after draw Discovery & video credit: u/SacredLemon5034 Unique animation when drawing the M44 revolver g) MP412 revolver: Spin after reload Discovery & video credit: kurtdiekals Unique reload animation for MP412 Rex revolver h) MK IV revolver: Spin after reload Discovery & video credit: floschuller#0504 33. Hazard Zone voice over lines On HZ, there are some rare voice over lines: a) "Another UFO is crash landing on Earth." Discovery & video credit: Swed Encoy L102 b) "Martians are entering the AO." Discovery & video credit: Swed Encoy L102 c) "Let's roooooock!!" Discovery & video credit: BF4NTOM d) "Get to the choppa!" e) "We're in the pipe, five by five." No audiovisual capture available. This is a line from the original Aliens movie. 34. "-420" when you die in a big vehicle When you and your large vehicle gets destroyed, during the kill cam, a "+ -420" HP status will flash very quickly. It's not clear what the exact meaning behind it is, as you're not as "high" in ground vehicles as you are in aircrafts, though you're definitely "wasted" when you die (yet that would also be true of specialists on foot and in smaller vehicles). 35. Random Battlefield 2042 & 2142 references Perhaps these are merely coincidental, or maybe the other alphanumeric characters add further meaning. In any case, you can find the "2042" number sequence on the back of one of the semi-trucks, and the "2142" number on one of the MCOM screens. Discovery credit: Mr.What'sHisFace 36. Error code on computer screens With a simple alphanumeric substitution cipher, you can decipher the error code seen on the monitor, from "212020125695124' to BATTLEFIELD. Discovery credit: kopatroopa123#5380 Image credit: skaff#5129 37. Canal Blocker charm Tier 27 of Season 1 is the Canal Blocker charm. This is an IRL reference to the "Ever Given" Evergreen ship that blocked the Suez Canal on 23 March 2021, and subsequently brought global trade to a halt. Discovery credit: DannyOnPC 38. Tomas brand crossbow On the crossbow's limb, there's a red logo with the "Tomas" brand name. Above the trigger on either side, there's the "Tomas Tactical" brand name. This references DICE Technical Animator Tomas Tjärnberg/Tjernberg. 39. A4 notebook for super cool notes The A4 notebook cover has a bit of humor that oversells its common and mundane everyday item. The following is the quoted text as it appears, with grammar errors and all, which perhaps suggests a low quality product if effort wasn't given to correct its marketing message: Business notebook of Lee Corp Industries sturdy and super reliable for all kind of super cool notes lee corp ensures maximum quality and best writing experience 40. Past Battlefield titles on Hazard Zone data drive labels In Hazard Zone, there are specially labeled hard drives with previous BF titles. All 11 BF title labels have been found. They appear to be rare and randomly generated finds. Here are the labels, in the order we've discovered them: a) BF3 Discovery & image credit: champidoob b) Bad Company 1 Discovery & image credit: Swed Encoy L102#9179 c) BF2142 Discovery & image credit: champidoob d) Bad Company 2 Discovery & image credit: champidoob e) BF Vietnam Discovery & image credit: champidoob f) BF Hardline Discovery & video credit: CTTV Games g) BF1942 Discovery & image credit: champidoob h) BF2 i) BF4 j) BFV k) BF1 41. Cat yelp when barging through door When sprinting through a door to bust it open, you may sometimes hear a cat screaming. This is a carry over from Battlefield V, where animal noises would randomly generate when running through doors. Perhaps other animal sounds are in the RNG mix? Discovery credit: skank_a_licious 42. "Lars" the baby penguin-orca hybrid This strange hybrid animal was spotted in a penguin colony on Breakaway. We know this to be a baby based on the hint provided by DICE senior dev Niklas Astrand's Tweet: It's an RNG EE and it appears that the odds of finding it were increased significantly starting with Season 1. The video and images of the strange sighting can be found below: Video: Discovery, images, & video credit: iun7#7777 43. 🦖 BF3 "Thunder Run" campaign voice over reference 🦖 A new voice over line in Portal was added with Update 1.1. As a BF3 recon soldier, spotting/pinging may enable a voice over line that references the voice lines from the beginning of the BF3 "Thunder Run" single player campaign. Video credit: Battlefield Shorts Flakfire 44. DICE DEFENSE INC On the "Parched" & "Desert Rat" (shown) store-only skins for the M5A3, the gun manufacturer detail is shown as the following, instead of the usual UA United Arms manufacturer: DICE DEFENSE INC STOCKHOLM SWEDEN Discovery credit: SergeantTortilla#5032 45. Swedish song lyrics on BF3 MCOM 46. "They are Everywhere" player card 47. "No dinos were harmed in the making of this program, one swan escaped." 48. Concussion grenade Made in Fatburen On the concussion grenade that was made available in Season 2, you can see that it reads "Made in Fatburen", which is the location of DICE's studio in Stockholm, Sweden. Discovery credit: Tomoya_Marble 49. "YOU DIED" Meme 50. M16A3 Made By DICE'S Firearms Division On the M16A3, you can make out the Ripple Effects logo on the right side, along with the following inscription on the left side: DICE'S FIREARMS DIVISION DICE INDUSTRIES BOSTON, MASS USA 51. M249 SAW - 1942-2042 & Dev's Birthday 52. "Death Knocking on Doors" Meme The Liquidators event in Season 2 introduced the "Neighborly" charm, which references the "Death knocking on doors" meme. Discovery & image credit: Mr.What'sHisFace#5957 53. Condor Panel w/ Artists' Initials 54. "Always Has Been" meme The "Time Crimes" player card references the "Always Has Been" meme. 55. Sam & Wang on MP28 56. Devs' initials & birthdays on Exposure's walls 57. Top Gun movie & the Danger Zone The "Dangerzone" charm name references Kenny Loggins' "Danger Zone" song in the Top Gun movie. 58. Joel Defense This brand, seen on many of the game's guns, gears, etc., references DICE 3D Artist Joel Dabrosin. 59. Platform Achievement Unlocks a) B gun's dry & Aliens b) I'm Five by Five, B & Buffy the Vampire Slayer 60. Mysterious Radios 61. Opening cinematic a, b c d 62. Satellite names 63. Satellites, jammers, & a lore twist 64. YUM! 65. Salvo Industries 66. RPK-74M - Frostbite & EA logos 67. Frozen Megalodon 68. Giants' Graveyard 69. Fly High, Recon Graffiti 70. High Resolution Fast Burger 71. Penguin Slayer Graffiti 72. Megalodon or Whale Container Ship 73. Homage Painting of BF1942's Original Battle of the Bulge Map 74. J+N ❤️ Carving from BF1 75. Season 6 Teaser Narrative Hunt 76. "Good Company" Dead Space Plushies 77. Codename: Valkyrie 78. Fast Burger on Haven Map 79. Sharknado, Part 1 & Part 2 80. "Bigger Boat" Jaws Movie 81. Willys Jeep Dev Initials & Dates 82. Scanned Deer Skull45KViews70likes227CommentsAdd a server browser
DICE, please add a server browser. I cannot find matches in my region(India). I am just stuck on the waiting for players screen and the match never starts or there are only 20-30 players in a match. Please keep in mind this is the case even when crossplay is on. I want to play on EU servers but can’t do it unless a server browser is implemented. Please consider this request as you are already implementing some missing features from previous battlefield’s according to today’s details. Unless a server browser is implemented I cannot play BF2042.42KViews216likes4071CommentsBattlefield 2042 Refund?
I would like a refund I've made a mistake by pre-ordering Gold edition & I just don't think this game is going to live up to what it should be! 1. Cheater ( Hacks are already available after the source code was stolen) 2. Bugs 3. Delays 4. Same old story from Dice! How do i get a refund?Solved41KViews34likes43CommentsGet rid of the cheesy one-liners at the end of games.
If i wasnt pissed enough that this game cant hold a candle to BF4, the salt on the wound is the horrendous cheesy b*llsh*t at the end of a round when the "characters" do their one-liners... Ive overcome the lack of weapons and aweful balance, but this is an issue that makes me want to quit playing all along... And why the fudge is this forum so god damn dated... feels like 2001 here....40KViews10likes4CommentsBF 2042 and Flight Controllers...
In previous Battlefield Games the use of Flight Controllers/Joystick has been integrated into the Settings Menu which was a great tool to aid in Aerial Combat. In past BF Versions the Gamepad Controller for console replaced the Flight Controller/Joystick settings. Question: Will the Air Settings be for FC/Joystick or for Gamepad be integrated in the Settings? Both would be optimal as the choice will heighten gameplay and as this is a Cross Gen Title. The Community should weigh in here as this feature is important for Aerial vehicles...Solved33KViews49likes186CommentsBattlefield Recruitment Thread
Hey all, figured now's as good a time as any to get a clan/platoon recruitment thread going for all those eager beavers chomping at the bit to get their names out there. To start, I'd like to create a basic template for users to refer to - while this doesn't need to be strictly followed 100%, please keep things simple. (Clan Logo) [clan tag] Clan Name About Us - Quick overview of who y'all are and the types of things you like to do in-game and IRL. Are you casual or competitive? What sort of game modes are your favourite and why should that sexy recruit pick you over the others? Social media - Try to limit this to around 3 to reduce clutter/spam - Things like Discord, Twitter, and the like will do nicely. Games & Platforms - The main focus of this thread is for Battlefield titles but feel free to add the0 other types of games you play. - Do you play on PlayStation, Xbox, PC, Mobile, or Stadia? Timezone - Please indicate the clan leader's local timezone and, if you're big into hosting events, a rough time you usually like start. - Refer to if you're having trouble converting to your local time. Requirements *** Please refrain from asking for donations - 18+? - Swearing OK? - KD +/- - Mics? (add whatever else you like) Accolades - Completely optional. If you have any in-game accomplishments you're proud of, feel free to share the good news. No modesty here (to a degree); Show new members what they can aspire to. How To Apply - Is there a specific member you would like to have DM'd. Are you fancy and made your own application form? Direct all traffic how you see fit. Small talk/banter is welcomed but to reduce spam, I'd like to ask all Clan Leaders to please keep any propaganda bumps to a weekly limit of 1 to start - we may increase/decrease this down the road but I don't want to make things overly strict.32KViews36likes152CommentsBattlefield Core Feedback - Maps - Feedback Thread
We have just posted an update on our current design direction for Battlefield 2042 Maps. Read the full update, here. In this update on map design we've outlined several questions for you on where we'd appreciate hearing your feedback. We first encourage you to read the original post in full so you have the proper context. We've also listed all of the questions posed in our blog today, in this thread, with the intent for you to take what's posted there as a thought starter for us to have an open discussion on this first topic around our existing maps. Please do feel free to jump in with your thoughts and feedback. QUESTIONS FROM THE CORE FEEDBACK POST Which maps presently provide a poor opening experience because of the location of the Base Spawn? Which maps are making it harder to get back into the fight in an all cap scenario? How do you feel about the current balance between Infantry and Vehicles in Breakthrough? Have you played 64 player Breakthrough, and do you feel that this is the better way to experience the mode? On which maps and Flags do you see the most immediate need for more line of sight blockers? Do you have specific areas on maps that currently stand out to you as lacking cover? Do you have thoughts on how we can better define traveling paths between objectives to keep combat focused? Do you see improvement opportunities to make it easier to understand how to get from one objective to the next? We invite you to share your thoughts, feelings and responses with us not just on these topics, but anything else you feel is related as well. We’ll of course also be reading your comments across multiple hubs of community such as Discord, Reddit, and Social Media. If you have posted your thoughts on another platform, don't be shy to link to them here so that we've seen them. Please represent your thoughts and feelings based on your experience, preferences, and expectations for our future Updates. We ask you to be respectful of those who are taking the time to share their feedback, and to be mindful of our Forum Rules. Our moderation team will be active throughout the thread to help keep the conversation focused on our topic, and those seeking to be disruptive to that goal will be appropriately sanctioned. Our thanks to all of you for your participation. Straatford // @Straatford87 Battlefield Community ManagerSolved31KViews59likes812CommentsUpgrade 2042 standard edition to gold edition.
I preorder Battlefield 2042 Standard Edition on steam and I want to upgrade it to gold edition should I refund the game and buy the gold edition or is there another way also I am worried about the game duplicating in origin and it may cause some issue.Solved30KViews1like38CommentsBF2042: How to change/choose team? I ALWAYS play in US team!
Is it just me, or is there no option to change or choose the team in my custom matches? The problem is: I want to play for the Russian team sometimes, but I ALWAYS play for the US team... I've tried using Portal mode to reverse (RU: team 1; US: team 2) but I still start in US...Solved29KViews21likes23Comments2042: Practice Range?
I can't figure out how to find the Practice Range. I wanna get familiar with the Armament in the game, see what I do & do not like, try out different Options Settings (Especially stuff like Turning Sensitivity...) & see if I find any Control(s) i'd wanna Rebind, etc. Where in the halibut is it in the confusing Menu Interface? ☹️ Thank you for your time.Solved28KViews4likes17CommentsHit reg issues, TTK vs TTD inconsistency.
Just left another game for the same reason as i left the last 3 games. you can shoot a whole clip on an enemy, well aimed, only getting 2 or 3 hitmarkers, the enemy turns around, 1 or 2 bullets and i’m dead while i was reloading. dice/ea, this is a core issue in an fps game. Plz fix it cause it makes the game unplayable. I’m not the only one having this problem. Its frustrating!! Makes me wanna t-bag someone this is gameplay of myself not getting hit registration. You can see for yourself ea/dice: (changed the name of the topic to the reflect the conversations better) - Atic23KViews73likes1350CommentsUnited We Stand [Adult Gamers] [Est.2003]
💻 Website: 🎤 Discord: Community Information UWS is a well established Multi-National PC Gaming Community involved in a wide variety of games who strive to build a gaming environment for older adults that embraces honesty, loyalty, and camaraderie above all else. For over 18 years we have strived to provide quality and transparency to our members, and look forward to ensuring all have a voice in the direction of the community. We started playing the original Battlefield in 2003 and have played every Battlefield title since, many of us are older BF players playing at night. What we expect: - Any form of in-game experience is accepted - Good Sportsmanship and will - Friendly and helpful - Never worry about being kicked regardless of activity (life comes first) - Discord used for ease of operations - 18+ (tho the majority of us are all 30+) What we offer: - No Rank Requirement (anyone can learn this game and get better) - Friendly, active, and generous members assisting new and returning players - Community Level 3 Boosted Discord - Community Merchandise! - High Voice activity gives you a chance to spin a wheel for high quality gaming gear As a reminder 🔰 Our community stands 18+ years strong against hacking/glitching/item duping 🔰23KViews12likes216CommentsBF 2042 - Can a PS5 player join a friend who’s playing a match on PS4?
Hello everyone! First post here. I’m happy to see a modern take coming back to the BF series. Me and three other friends play BF V on PlayStation. Two of us are on PS4s and the other two on PS5. My question is - can we play together (by PS5 players joining the PS4 players) in BF 2042? I am on PS5 but I don’t really mind playing on a smaller map as long as I’m playing with my squad. This is a deal breaker for me to buy the game. thank you D22KViews2likes31Comments