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Add a server browser
DICE, please add a server browser. I cannot find matches in my region(India). I am just stuck on the waiting for players screen and the match never starts or there are only 20-30 players in a match. Please keep in mind this is the case even when crossplay is on. I want to play on EU servers but can’t do it unless a server browser is implemented. Please consider this request as you are already implementing some missing features from previous battlefield’s according to today’s details. Unless a server browser is implemented I cannot play BF2042.42KViews218likes4076CommentsProgression not working properly for weapons and vehicles (Solo/Coop AI)
Product: Battlefield 2042 Platform:Steam-PC Please specify your platform model. PC AMD or Nvidia Model Number Nvidia RTX 2060 Super Enter RAM memory size in GB 32GB Are you using any software with an overlay? Yes If yes, can you list them here? Nvidia If you disable this software, does that have any effect? No Which part of the game is the issue happening in? Multiplayer Which part of the mode? Conquest Please select your region North America On which server did this happen? Solo/Coop AI When did this happen? ( hh:mm) 11/13/2021 Summarize your bug Attachments and vehicle progression not working. I'll use a weapon for a number of games getting kills with it, but no attachments will unlock for it. Same issue with the vehicles. How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%) Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? Just use any weapon and play with it, and try and unlock an attachment. What happens when the bug occurs? No progression items unlock after meeting the required amount of kills. What should be happening instead? I should be able to unlock my attachments while using that weapon, after getting the required amount of kills. Nope.56KViews279likes2891CommentsWhich Tier 1 items are you working on?
Hi there, players! 🙌 Unlocking a Tier 1 skin for a Specialist, Vehicle or Gun is of course quite an achievement. An achievement that should be shared and celebrated! That is why we made this thread, so that we can share and celebrate these great achievements with each other, and so that we can share tips & tricks for unlocking the Tier 1 skins as optimally as possible! For example, Tips & Tricks can be about the best Game Modes, Maps and/or ways of playing to make the best possible progress! Good work on those Tier 1 skins, @Its_Travis_199, @NexonXG, @EA_Atic, @ElliotLH, @Chytrooki, @TTZ_Dipsy! 🥳 Well done! So, share those Tier 1 skin unlocks and celebrate those achievements! 🙌 Good luck out there on the Battlefield, No-Pats!EA_Leeuw3 years agoCommunity Manager19KViews58likes2272CommentsFalse positive bans
I just got a false positive banned from BF2042 this morning, while I was not even home... how is this even possible? I guess its rip my ultimate edition. I believe another user @Gryphonv got the same. Off course people will say I cheated but Idon't care. I know I did not. I am writing this here so the unfair bans don't get unheard. Anyone having the same problem? Possible compatibility issues with following software? Program running : -iCue Logitech G Hub -NZXT Cam -i-CUe -Steelseries app -MSI afterburner -Minerstat -Asus Armoury crate -HWInfo64 -Discord -Nvidia Experience UPDATE: So I ended up sending my HWInfo32 file, and an email EA sent me a week before early release saying my account got compromised. Just received the email notification that EA had reset my password AGAIN (even tough 2FA was active for months now). Went to check my EA Help account to know what's up with that. Result : BAN OVERTURNED So there is actually hope! However, I cant but stress enough the lack of transparency from EA. Did not even get an email to say the investigation was over. Just a reset your PW. Go play the game, no excuses, no nothing. Don't lose hope, I am pretty sure they will have to do something about this soon. They cant stay deaf about something this big. Cant wait to see the status within the next week.16KViews30likes1639CommentsEndless Matchmaking - Waiting For Players
Hi, It started approximately 2 weeks ago, I click play on Breakthrough (128 players) and I could not find a game at all, I do get a game or two in Conquest (128 players) after long hours of queue. I tried turning crossplay off and on but still couldn't find a game at all, I also tried leaving it on matchmaking for 3 hours straight (non-stop) Join Game >Waiting for more players >Jumps to the main menu >Waiting for more players >Jumps to the main menu >Waiting for more players >Jumps to the main menu Is there any tweak I can work on or there's nothing I can do about it? I tried searching on the internet but I couldn't find any tweak that works, I do want to play this game but I guess there's no luck for me.12KViews32likes1442CommentsHit reg issues, TTK vs TTD inconsistency.
Just left another game for the same reason as i left the last 3 games. you can shoot a whole clip on an enemy, well aimed, only getting 2 or 3 hitmarkers, the enemy turns around, 1 or 2 bullets and i’m dead while i was reloading. dice/ea, this is a core issue in an fps game. Plz fix it cause it makes the game unplayable. I’m not the only one having this problem. Its frustrating!! Makes me wanna t-bag someone this is gameplay of myself not getting hit registration. You can see for yourself ea/dice: (changed the name of the topic to the reflect the conversations better) - Atic23KViews73likes1350CommentsLatest Update about Solo/Co-Op and Custom Portal Progression, CAPPED again!!!
Update:Solo/Coop progression only has been fully enabled for a few hours after update#3, then they capped it again! Battlefield Direct Communication answer some of the common questions around XP, Unlocks, and Mastery as they relate to #BattlefieldPortal Solo/Coop in AOW: Mastery Progression is capped at level 12, Tire 3, allow you to unlock all attacthments and vehicle upgrades, XP is capped, no ribbons, can't unlock T1 skins, badges, and no progression towards player images, tags etc. There is NO offical statement about Solo/Coop cap so far. Portal: Progression in offical Featured playlist is fully enabled! However player made Custom Portal servers still have very limited progression, XP is capped, no ribbons, no mastery or other unlock progression can be made.18KViews127likes966CommentsBattlefield Core Feedback - Maps - Feedback Thread
We have just posted an update on our current design direction for Battlefield 2042 Maps. Read the full update, here. In this update on map design we've outlined several questions for you on where we'd appreciate hearing your feedback. We first encourage you to read the original post in full so you have the proper context. We've also listed all of the questions posed in our blog today, in this thread, with the intent for you to take what's posted there as a thought starter for us to have an open discussion on this first topic around our existing maps. Please do feel free to jump in with your thoughts and feedback. QUESTIONS FROM THE CORE FEEDBACK POST Which maps presently provide a poor opening experience because of the location of the Base Spawn? Which maps are making it harder to get back into the fight in an all cap scenario? How do you feel about the current balance between Infantry and Vehicles in Breakthrough? Have you played 64 player Breakthrough, and do you feel that this is the better way to experience the mode? On which maps and Flags do you see the most immediate need for more line of sight blockers? Do you have specific areas on maps that currently stand out to you as lacking cover? Do you have thoughts on how we can better define traveling paths between objectives to keep combat focused? Do you see improvement opportunities to make it easier to understand how to get from one objective to the next? We invite you to share your thoughts, feelings and responses with us not just on these topics, but anything else you feel is related as well. We’ll of course also be reading your comments across multiple hubs of community such as Discord, Reddit, and Social Media. If you have posted your thoughts on another platform, don't be shy to link to them here so that we've seen them. Please represent your thoughts and feelings based on your experience, preferences, and expectations for our future Updates. We ask you to be respectful of those who are taking the time to share their feedback, and to be mindful of our Forum Rules. Our moderation team will be active throughout the thread to help keep the conversation focused on our topic, and those seeking to be disruptive to that goal will be appropriately sanctioned. Our thanks to all of you for your participation. Straatford // @Straatford87 Battlefield Community ManagerSolvedStraatford873 years agoDICE Team31KViews59likes812CommentsThe old scoreboard
Please bring back the old scoreboard showing kills, deaths, score, ping etc of all people in the server. The new one is too messy, unclear and doesn't show me useful information or just too little in general. EDIT: Just to make things clear. I'm talking about what I got to see during the BETA while holding TAB in-game. As far as I know nothing has been said of there being a ''classic scoreboard'' or something like the previous Battlefield titles at launch. If the one we got to see during the BETA is the final one, than I think it's a bad edit of something that didn't need changing.4.9KViews120likes729CommentsSpecialist and freeclass system is Better than the OLD Class system VIDEO inside
Here i made a little videos and probably ommited some points that i wanted to make but i am not a content creators per say so i dont really care .. i express reality and not BS narative base of emotional response to nostalgia .. I played ALL BF games ever and ive seen classes come and go and have arbitrary mixed and matchs weapons with no real reasoning that could justified these choices and why the classes were lock into these beside the Recon/snipers and even them there is recon with AR in real life .. that said There as never been a justification for why BFBC2 had LMG for the Medics and then in BF3 they went back to BF2 style medics and so on and on .. Why BFBC 1 had no engineer but a support that was engineer and medic at the same time who had LMG . and a Demolition with rocket and shotgun only ... These arbitrary classes were stupid and worthless they had no justiification . How does a carbine serve the engineer in BF3 ? How does a AR or an LMG make a medics better at his role ? There is simply ZERO justification for this its pure non sens ... and peoples just want it because they were use to it but what then if you liked LMG and were a Medic in BFBC2 ? You have to become a Support and give amo now in BF3 ? Peoples were using classes based on weapons And specialist are classes , they have recon style perks hacking , spotting , intel , engineers style perks base on support turrets , walls , assault style perks base on mobility or frontline and support with armor and loadout crates and ressuply for rockets etc.. [Edit: Caps Lock removed]6.2KViews24likes703Comments[Discussion Thread] Core Feedback - Specialists
Hey Folks - Today we released our Core Feedback for Specialists. You can read it in full, here. In this development update, we've given you a rundown on where we’re at with our designs and plans for improving the experience that you have with Specialists in Battlefield™ 2042. The feedback that you've given us fits into 3 main topics that we'll recap briefly for you down below. Class Identity The biggest point of feedback we’ve heard from you around Specialists is that their current design means you’ve lost the feeling of Class Identity and a more defined sense of role on the Battlefield. Specialist Gameplay and Balance Another area of feedback you’ve told us about is Gameplay. This relates to how each Specialist plays and feels on the Battlefield, and how they compare to each other in terms of performance. Narrative The World of Battlefield 2042 is undergoing catastrophic change brought about by violent weather events, dwindling resources, and global war. We heard your feedback that Specialists feel disconnected from this world, both in appearance and voice, which are inconsistent with the life-and-death events taking place around them, and you already started to experience some of the changes that we’ve made here. What feedback are we looking for? Now that we've started our Core Feedback for Specialists, we want to hear from you. Below are the main questions we are looking to answer based on your feedback. But feel free to share your further thoughts on anything that we outlined for you today. Do you feel that Specialists are currently categorized into their appropriate Class? Which Gadgets and Throwables do you expect to see in the Loadout for each Class? Are there further changes to Specialists that you expect to see to help enforce Class Identity? Maintaining balance between the Specialties and Traits of all Specialists is something that we continue to look at. Where do you feel we should be focusing on balance changes between Specialists? Thank you for your patience once again whilst we gathered our thoughts on this topic and identified the best path forward. We're looking forward to your feedback, and we'll return later during Season 2 to follow-up on what you've shared with us. Freeman // @PartWelsh Community Lead, Battlefield12KViews26likes663CommentsLet people play with bots in Conquest mode without internet connection.
We all expected BF2042 to continue line 2 like it did with Battlefield 1942, 1972 (Vietnam), 2, Special Forces, 2142. We all want to remove forced internet connection so people can play with bots without connecting to DICE servers . . This will raise online and interest in the game. On behalf of the entire player community: please remove internet connection enforcement and allow people to play with bots offline.8.7KViews81likes521CommentsRemove the drone like you did with the shield
Just remove the from the game like you did the shield until you fix the ability to put C5 on it. It's not a "fun battlefield mechanic" it's an exploit and a bug and will only get worse as it gets more and more popular. If you are against them removing the ability to do this, it's because you don't have the skill level for this to affect you. There is no "counter" to this and it's becoming more and more rampant in breakthrough. I've had it done to me about 8 or 9 times in like an hour. This needs to be removed. Simple as that.4.4KViews27likes500CommentsThe Question of Aim Assist
Okay, I'm finally putting this here, because I am really, really at a loss. How powerful is the console aim assist? From my POV, it might as well be a legalised aimbot. Currently, I have to resort to crossplay to get filled matches frequently. Great. Except its not, because that means playing against console players, and ever since I've started playing against console players, a good 90% at the very least of my deaths are from console players. I'd wager over 70% of those deaths are headshots, and I'd wager still that the vast majority of those headshots are carried out in five shots or less from any weapon. During matches I can quickly see what player is PC, and which is console when I get into a tooth and nail fight. When its a PC player, the bulk will start moving, start firing, and you dance around until someone gets a bit of luck in their shots. Generally, I come out well in these (unless they're very obviously using an aimbot to snap from player to player). The same situation against a console player, on the other hand, skews massively in their favour. It feels like a PC player who is using an aimbot. To the point of absurdity. I'm talking about console players eating an entire magazine, while facing a different direction, snapping to you, and beaning your head with one shot. This is with ARs, SMGs, LMGs, sniper rifles, pistols, you name it. I got the drop on a player earlier who panicked when I flushed them with a grenade, right into my sights. Opened up with an M5A3 on a short barrel. Full 30 rounds into them. Not only did they tank it with no body armour, they turned 90 degrees and bang, one shot to the dome from their M5A3. I flanked enemies on Exposure earlier and sighted on one looking at the stairwell. Lined up, shot, The absolute instant that bullet hit him, he snapped hard left 90 degrees and boom, head taken off at 30m. A rank 9, console player with an ironsights M5A3. An automatic, reactionary shot that instantly killed me, while he took less than ten HP from a lined shot because so few rounds managed to leave my gun before I was dead. Speaking of the M5A3, they will also instantly dome you at ranges of 100m with close combat ammo. I see single digit rank players rapid firing sniper rifles and racking headshot after headshot after headshot on console, all while they're moving around without ever stopping. Shoot them, and there is no accuracy loss on their part as there would be for me. M5 rocket shots go off target if I take a hit while firing. It literally feels like fighting bots with their accuracy, and I'm frequently seeing these players racking dozens of kills in almost no time at all because they're able to throw a handful of rounds at each target and move on. No matter their rank, frequently below 50, topping servers with dozens of kills. The other constant aspect is them firing at you and getting the kill whenever you pass cover. Every single time. This cannot simply be latency because for one thing, it almost never happens to enemy players when I shoot them. If they dart into cover and make it, they're safe. I, on the other hand, can disappear a good few metres behind cover and then die. Look up, and there's the little Xbox or PS logo. Its honestly making the game infuriating to play (alongside general poor teamplay that seems to manifest in my team continually and result in loss after loss). If I could get consistently populated servers with crossplay turned off, I'd do it in a heartbeat, because its honestly ridiculous. This isn't one off events either, its day in, day out, match in, match out. The common denominator is almost always: console player. Is anyone else experiencing this?6.9KViews32likes454CommentsBring Back 128 Player Breakthrough
Conquest in 2042 is boring. I spend more time running around the map looking for fights compared to actually having gunfights. With 128 players breakthrough was chaotic, but there was never a dull moment, because you were always in the action. Now the best game mode is gone. The rationale for removing 128 player breakthrough is entirely BS. You are never going to have a "tactical" experience playing 64 player breakthrough with random squads created via matchmaking. Lobbies with actual tactics and strategy is only seen in military sim communities and clan matches. At the very least offer 128 player breakthrough as a permanent featured portal experience for those that still want the experience. Since Dice likes removing advertised game modes, they might as well remove Hazard Zone from the game since nobody plays it.6KViews76likes392CommentsJoystick Support
I'm considering pre-ordering as I have for past Battlefield games but wanted to know more about any details regarding support for joysticks. I find flying with them is much better but support for them seems a bit spotty or non-existent in the past few releases. Thank you for any information you can provide.5.7KViews26likes367Comments