6 years ago
Inventory Change and Loot nerfs
The purpose behind this patch was to reduce grenade spam at the end of the match, the idea is fine but I think the nerf of ammo from 80 to 60 is an extremely bad move. Even reducing the amount of shield cells and syringe from 6 to 4 can be considered as a bad move but it can be dealt by adjusting. But the ammo nerf is seriously crap. I calculated and found that increase of 2 inventory isn't quite compensating for nerf of so many crucial items, atleast for me. Might be the fact that I'm not a predator level player but I think majority of the community aren't predator level players. I'd kinda request to take back the nerfs on ammo, sheild cells and syringes or atleast add 2 more slots to each tier of backpack.