@Dokuganryu699It doesn't "* me off" it makes the game extremely boring and not fun to play. All of you use the phrase "flush them out" etc, but you are missing the fact that the grenades (especially arc stars) do so much damage. If you are anywhere near it you get 70 damage done. Its like 5m I think. Not to mention the fact the arc stars slow you down like crazy. Even if they do 20-30 damage, YOU ARE STILL SLOWED DOWN!! You become a sitting duck and with how strong all the weapons are, its so easy to drop them
The best grenade in this game is the thermite. That grenade isn't "OP" or "UP". It is perfect. You block someone's path and if you run through it, you get a little damage over time, its not instant. I don't even think it slows you down so you can still get away. But you drop like 3 arc stars in the same area, you have to remember that the first one will go off, slowing you down (even if it only does 3 damage) but guess what, now the second grenade goes off, that one does 70 damage. OH YAY im slowed down again! :D Now the 3rd one goes off, does 70 damage again! Wooo. 143 damage. One shot from a longbow I am done, one shot from a sentinel I am done, one shot from any sniper I am done. How is that "strategical" you just threw grenades down that is all. You didn't shoot me, you didn't sneak up and ambush me, you just dropped grenades from miles away. And with the little arc that is drawn, it is so easy to plant grenades.
My problem is that grenades (mostly arc stars) are too OP. There are other ways of solving this than limiting players to 2, but I think that makes it better because you have a specific grenade pouch and it won't take up precious inventory. In reality, you don't need that much ammo in this game.. I always panic if I am under 100. But I have won matches with less and am starting to let myself carry more heals instead of ammo.
@Sir_NamedThose "ton of grenades" won't flush him out, it will drop him. And for the person who threw the grenades, how was that skill and tactical? How was that being smart? Being smart in your situation would be to ambush them. Draw them out. Shoot out his traps, run around the back (there isn't only one entrance to a building) and get him that way. Or even shoot through the windows. To flush someone out in your situation only requires one grenade. That is a tactical play, that is using your brain and being smart with the situation. By limiting grenades you make it more tactical and a smarter play then just tossing grenades.
Just the same as you can "camp" you can also corner someone with grenades, even if they are in the open. That is not playing smart. I am all about playing smart but use some skill and thought into it. More thought than just lobbing grenades.
Again, I mostly am talking about arc stars, not frag or thermites. So like I said before, there are other options to solve the problem I bring up.