5 years ago
[Megathread] Season 6 Feedback
Hello everyone, i want to share my opinion after playing some games in Season 6. First of all i want to start with legends buffs/nerfs: Legends: I saw a topic in legend feedback section, there were ...
i feel like people who have played since season 0 have been cheated. The new Evo idea is absolutely horrible. Every shield's health being reduced by 25% was a horrible idea. I have played and based my entire strategy on going with 200 health all game and now that is ruined. The starting with Evo was fun with King's Canyon, and I hated that mode on world's edge. Its now also ruined and I get an entire week of this (even more) ruined world's edge with ridiculous amounts of loot. I thought the game was perfect in Season 5 but I guess you guys had to make all these unreasonable tweaks for a newer fanbase. Pls change the shield health back and completely get rid of the evo idea. I hate this apex with a passion. and especially more cause I can't even play the only good map for an entire week.
Have a chance by having less health against snipers? That doesn't make much since to me. triple take just comes with a choke now
@DaleWWilson95 wrote:
@sup3r_fly54Its a better system imo players with tactical and gun skill have a chance vs campy evos
No camper will be beneficial, because they can still have edge in this. But it will be worst for aggressive players, simply because camping will be way better now with the legend, Wattson buff against Caustic trap(it will be mainly a camping legend now).
Lowering the HP, aka the TTK mean you will get killed way easier by a camper team on a high building. Good luck closing the distances now.
Its a horrible idea.
The game soon will be completely dead.
its make me want to quit so bad because they finally had something good going and then absolutely ruined it for newbie players instead of loyal fans
@sup3r_fly54Actually quite the other way around. This now helps noobs not having run around to find a armor and coming across someone with much higher armor then they got due to rng. This now creates a even playing field.
I'm disgusted by their mercy on hackers. 7 out of 10 ranked matches have 2-3 hackers, all of them are brand new accounts.
@TBTFWYesterday happend 2 me twice on publics, the last one, a speed hacked loba half map away came to my face in a second while my boodhound scan didnt even finish and fried me. Of course got reported