Forum Discussion
25 Replies
The maximum damage of peacekeeper will need to be looked at. 110 for full body and 165 for full head hit is way too much. Maximum health players have is 200, end game peacekeeper with all epic tier mods (almost impossible to not have within top 3 or even top 5 teams) will kill a player from significant ranges with just two shots. With the epic pump it fires those shots very fast.
I would suggest dropping the max damage down to 90 and/or increasing the shot spread with and without choke. Other high damage guns like slow firing sniper rifles or wingman require way more skill to output their maximum damage, going for headshots is a must to utilize these weapons properly. Headshots won't effectively matter with peacekeeper, its a two shot to body from its optimal range and too often one shot during early game.
A fully kitted R-99 is still very much contested by a peacekeeper at ranges near or over 15m and if played correctly all that accuracy or firerate wont matter since peacekeeper can charge behind cover and instadeal 110 dmg then charge again. Even in a 1v1 cqc open area the best smg (R-99) in the game will win against peacekeeper only if their user cannot land the shots (which at <10m is not that hard). During end game going for headshots with smgs is further neglected by the 50% HS damage reduction (on top of already low HS bonus of smgs) that literally everyone has with epic helmets at that point. Peacekeeper won't care, peacekeeper goes for easy two body shot kills 24/7.
Peacekeeper at the moments is too powerful for the low amount of skill it requires to output its optimal damage.- Trash players use it as a crutch
I think its maybe bugged . All epic armor and head and I got killed in one shoot again and again from this gun. It says that it should do 160 dmg when full of it lands on head .. OK thats alot but still not one shoot . 110 body .. How is it then I got only 1 shoot and dies . Its one shoot wonder now.
I say, remove the choke hop-up option. It does fire 11 pellets that do 10 damage per. The peacekeeper has a very centralized spread pattern, so it has good range even without the choke. I still think the choke is redonkulous. So stupid to put 100+ damage to someone across the map instantly when this game has a notoriously long TTK (which I like). The only other guns capable of doing this is the Kraber (which is legendary, so not OP). And the Longbow w/skullpiercer (but body shot only 55 and is terrible up close).
So, to summarize, remove the choke hop-up from peacekeeper. It will still be a super strong gun to use up close and do moderate damage at range (base spread pattern), but hitting all pellets from two buildings away is stupid.
No gun should one shot fully geared players.
Yeah, peacekeeper is easy mode for noobs to feel good about themselves. I specifically avoid it so that I dont need to shower after playing apex. Found a gold PK yesterday and i opted to take an alternator over it. Some people have standards. Others dont I guess.
Apex, as with most shooters, revolves around cqc to mid range combat, with cqc not being difficult to initiate. The PK, being a shotgun, excels at cqc. Too much. The problem with it is not fire rate or spread, it's the fact that you can deal 110 - 165 dmg in an instant with the minimum amount of exposure to incoming damage. Where someone with a sustained fire weapon needs to maintain LOS, and thus be exposed, a PK user simply needs to peak shoot hide, dealing immense damage while taking minimal.
I hate to break it to you, but that type if play requires very little skill. So here we have a low skill, high damage weapon. Such low skill should not be so highly rewarded.
Its one top 3 weapon in the game. Maybe change the firepower a bit and make the weapon appear less than it does right now.
Reduce firespeed slightly is also one option.
@StiiGGee wrote:Its one top 3 weapon in the game. Maybe change the firepower a bit and make the weapon appear less than it does right now.
Reduce firespeed slightly is also one option.
ROF nerfs are negligible due to the standard usage of the weapon. It would mean you just hump the corner a couple microseconds longer, stillunder cover with no threat to yourself. It would need to be a massive ROF nerf to have any effect, I'm talking 1 shot/3-4seconds
Maybe each shot uses 2 rounds. Then you cant murder a whole squad with one clip.
I agree that a change to the spread is all that is needed.
This would limit it's effective range both with and without a choke
It should only be able to pull off those huge 165 hits at very close range
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