6 years ago
Literally everyone uses that gun and it's suuuuuch a noob gun. It's so OP that I literally can't even pick up a different close range weapon anymore cuz whoever I fight will kill me first with the r9...
>should probably log on today
>should probably try other weapons today
>should probably get good at the game so that I don't whine about a gun that just got hit with a nerf
>Should probably throw on my big boy pants
Ay bruh I can aim ☹️
Can we nerf this weapon not only is it still a viable primary for early and endgame but Everytime I land if I get a very viable weapon such as the eva-8 it doesn't matter if my enemy has an r99 they will win 90% of the time. This weapon even with the new nerf nes risen to the top of the most used weapons. Most endgame battles are just who runs out of ammo first. I don't know how to fix it but this weapon along with the new charge rifle needs a nerf. Maybe increased reload time or a damage nerf.
So should everyone use r99?