Quality of Life Changes - community requests
Hi legends,
This new QoL thread is inspired by @Cabowse's thread here. This is a place to get your own request on the list, or to link a good idea you found somewhere else! The ideas from the linked thread are placed here as well, included many Reddit posts and/or Twitter ideas.
Do you have a Quality of Life request?
- Check if it is already in the list below.
- Post it so I can add it!
One rule: I will only put QoL changes in the list, not requests for buffs/nerf or other game parts. There is however no real definition of what a QoL change is, but we'll try to follow how Respawn categorizes the patch notes. Like so:
Quality of Life |
Not Quality of Life |
Damage counter |
Sheila angle increase from 120° to 180° |
Pinging Ammo |
Mirage decoys create footstep sounds. |
A new VO line when using a Phoenix Kit |
A request to turn down SBMM or add Solo mode |
Hard to define QoL requests will be put in the list just to be sure.
Nothing yet |
dsa |
Friendly ultimate grenades should have a different color |
Use crows to make following tracks slightly easier, have them fly in a specific direction rather than just up. |
Footprint colour during ultimate more easily distinguishable from enemy colour. |
Make the ultimate timer small like Rev's Death Protection Timer |
White markers above friendly gas traps |
Friendly and enemy gas to be different shades of green, friendly gas darker and less saturated, enemy gas brighter and more saturated. |
Being able to ping friendly gas (from the ultimate) | |
Allow the 'pick up a gas trap' button to be different form reloading the gun on controllers. |
Drone can scan through glass. |
Ability to pick up banners with drone with greater ease and from slightly further away |
Let crypto see the area his drone can go on the minimap. | |
Allow Crypto to say ultimate is ready while in his drone | |
Allow Crypto to accurately ping items while Crypto is in his drone while on a trident. | |
Improve accuracy when trying to scan beacons. | |
Indicator that a teammate or crypto is in range of the EMP when in drone mode. |
Friendly ultimate fires should be recognizable by teammates. |
DYSPROssium |
Allow ult to be fired straight up. |
Friendly ultimate should display different markers than enemy ones. |
A clearer timer for the protection dome to show how much time there is left instead of the distance. |
Nothing yet |
- |
Using Lifeline's tactical while it's on cooldown will proc a voice-line to teammates telling them that it isn't ready (cool-down 3 seconds) |
Allow Loba to pick up the banner from teammates with her ult. |
Personalised voice-lines when specific legends use the BMB or when specific items are taken |
c0mpl3x1ty1 |
Nothing yet |
- |
Do not allow Mirage's revive to be visible through the dome of Gibby |
DYSPROssium |
Allow player to control skydive decoys the same way as ground ones. |
Jump-pad active the moment it hits the ground |
Pathfinder has new voice-lines that activate when he gains a lot of momentum from his grapple, these can be heard by anyone that is near him. |
Make it possible to mount Sheila when crouching. |
Hold ability buttom sets down a wall (or Sheila) directly. |
Give Revenant unique animations, instead of the Caustic one. |
Nothing yet. |
A warning indicator if you want to ult and there is something in the way |
Ability to easier cancel the tactical. |
Cancel heal ability if you start jeptack. |
Don't activate friendly caustic traps when they are over each other. | |
Make it clier for teammates when their abilities or grenades are canceled by Wattson's ult. |
Visual cues (portal becoming unstable) for 10 seconds before a portal is about to close. |
New inspect animation for Kunai Knife to be inline with other newer inspect emotes |
Default all select fires to either of the modes, instead of being weapon dependent. |
Display the zoom level of the selected gun. | |
Allow reloading the Mastiff to be cancelled by aiming down sights, instead of having to shoot or switch weapons. Just as with the 30-30 | |
Make it possible to reload a gun while you switch out attachment between the guns, as well as reloading while you swap the weapons from place. |
DYSPROssium |
Add a settings option to make weapons automatically switch back to default firing mode when swapping or holstering your weapon. |
Ability to request Ultimate accelerants |
Shield cells to be a permanent item in the crafting machine. Useful for players running with Gold shields or a Sentinel. |
Allow the usage of ultimate accelerants without picking them up first. | |
Show players how much healing items of a sort they already have when they point at the healing item on the ground. | |
A button when looting anything to replish all resources for which you have a partial stack. E.g. if I have 3x syringes, 5cells, and a stack of ammo that is not full, this button will "top up" each of the stacks as much as it can from the deadbox (it will not consume more inventory stacks) | |
A button in the lootbox to apply all upgrades to players weapons. | |
Make the game smarter in showing wich healing item you can use. If you have full health but are down on shields, show the shield. |
More options regarding crafting Ammo, ability to craft full stacks of a specific ammo type. Cycle ammo options using the swap weapon button to select 1 type instead of 2. | |
Being able to start the countdown of the grenades while holding it in your hand. | |
Allow players to ping the key of a loot vault in their inventory, to remind teammates that you have it. Instead of dropping it down and picking it up again. |
DYSPROssium |
Allow players to ping the golden arm from a Marvin in their inventory, preventing it to be dropped and picked back up. |
DYSPROssium |
Always sort the ammo type in the player's investontory in the same order that the guns are placed. So if the left gun is Mastiff and right is R99, always have the shotgun ammo first and then the light ammo. |
DYSPROssium |
Show the amount of ammo in a stack when pinged | |
Make it much clearer if an item is dibsed by a teammate by showing an icon of that teammate above the item. | |
Now that we have only evo shields, remove the auro of the shield when the shield is empty for that player. | |
Crafting rotation should be visible from inventory view. | |
Don't cancel crafting while in the ring. |