6 years ago
Revenant Buff
I think Revenant is a good legend. But I think a buff is needed for him. Here is some thoughts. Passive: Make him climb a bit higher Make him crouch a little faster(not at running speed) Tactic...
Trust me no wants to be running about trying to punch people inside that ultimate why do you want to make it some melee ultimate?? Last time the event was on people were just leaving when they became a shadow no ones going to click the totem lol even more than they don’t now.
they just need to make it not remove shields and if that’s to strong have it so only he can use it
It’s gimmicky the games a shooter melee is clunky the best of times and a last resort I don’t understand the need for it to be melee what’s so good about it ? I am guessing your playtime in game is quite low I have played enough to know this is just a silly concept (2x apex pred approaching masters this season) and in-fact having this kind of ultimate would be a nerf to him
P.S: I don’t care about the competitive side. So Apex Predator doesn’t matter in my book. I play casuals instead. Don’t say a silly idea(which is not) can’t be a buff but a nerf. Your just ticked off that you can’t do any of these ideas
P.P.S: Don’t take this seriously, the idiot part was a joke. Plus the 10 kills part. So chill. Know that, DON’T FREAKING GUESS ABOUT OTHER PEOPLE. Take the rest seriously but the jokes.
They removed Low Profile from him which gives me hope they will remove it from Lifeline and Wattson someday because these two have zero escape abilities.
Rev's new buffs are huge though.