Forum Discussion
I think i agree with nerfing the wingman, not only is it powerful in enemy hands but its also powerful in your hands.
Think about it for a minute. Wingman can do 45 damage per shot, can fire insanely quick for a revolver, now look at the longbow, can hit for 55, and fire so much slower. Wingmans dps is massively more than a longbow due to its fire rate the only difference is one is better at range
The main issue with it is that its hip fire accuracy is so small you dont even need to ads in close quarters, you just pop 6-9 bullets in their general direction and they will hit, no ads necessary.
In my opinion it needs a fire rate nerf, damage is fine, but fire rate is ridiculously over powered.
180 damage in 4 shots that can be shot rather quickly and accurately is insanity, sure 5 of your initial 6 bullets would need to hit to kill but add a heavy extended mag to it and your chances are much higher. I dont even know how adding an extended magazine to a revolver works logically and feel it should be removed. Getting a lucky head shot that with skullpiercer that deals 120 can be really easy if you have good aim.
maybe add a higher accuracy multiplier (recoil) so the cross hair isn't as close together upon firing quickly
- 7 years ago
Take the extended mag away, make rate of fire lower, add damage fall off at long range. The "revolver" isn't a sniper rifle I shouldn't be getting lasered by a wingman from sniper scope distance faster than a sniper can shoot. Wingman>All Weapons, in all situations. Best close range, Best mid range, Best long range. Welcome to Wingman Wars "Apex Legends" doesn't seem fitting.
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