Forum Discussion
121 Replies
- Nooooo, as a lvl 65 mediocre player I would much prefer other guns getting buffed
I have been saying the same exact thing like why did they develop all these weapons? The wingman is the best and only gun in the game you need to carry, the game should just be called wingman wars or something because that is all this game is. I'm literally sick and tired of even playing right now cause 4 games in a row now I've died to teams with everyone on the team shooting wingmans, like oh wow such variety in the game play. Like seriously how the hell do I shoot someone like 15 times with a rifle and they turn and hit me 3 times with a pistol non-headshots and kill me? it's even worse in team fights and you get hit with 3 people carrying wingmans you don't last a second in a fight the damn gun makes ever other gun look like a joke and in turn making this game look like a joke.
Take the extended mag away, make rate of fire lower, add damage fall off at long range. The "revolver" isn't a sniper rifle I shouldn't be getting lasered by a wingman from sniper scope distance faster than a sniper can shoot. Wingman>All Weapons, in all situations. Best close range, Best mid range, Best long range. Welcome to Wingman Wars "Apex Legends" doesn't seem fitting.
Either nerf Wingman or buff almost everything else. Or nerf WIngman AND buff some other weapons.
I dont think it should be capable of holding 12 shots when it can kill people in blue armor in 3.
Like, even if the guy is terrible thats plenty of ammo to just spray at people and get lucky headshots that do crazy damage.
I don't know what is the balance team doing, but at this point, I'm not sure if there is one.Wingman is way way too powerful. It's just a pistol ffs. P2020 is just as strong huh?
NERF. WINGMAN.- No it almost and basically the same gun from titanfall I think the ammo attachement need nerfed
Because 12 bullets is absurd - i agree the only gun in this game can kill all squad just using 1 magazine . is so op XD should nerf its recoil and bullet trajectory. wingman is like a lazer XD
- ill add my 2 cents here
For me, the wingman should be nerfed in 2 aspects :
Very small decrease on rate of fire (just a little bit)
New Mag sizes (4/6/8/12) Wingman is not op, his dps (damage per second) is 163. R-301 is 172, R-99 200, prowler 180.
And why pistol can't by powerful gun, this game is about future fights, not about real world...
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