Forum Discussion
121 Replies
No nerfs, that thing needs good aim that's it... unlike the peacekeeper
- I've suggested it elsewhere, but gonna suggest it here again...
Nerf ammo cap on it. I get that it is high skill, high reward, but you get an INSANE amount of damage per reload as it is, even before headshots.
Current values for stock/each tier of ext. mag:
Nerf it to:
Alternatively keep it at 6, and remove the ability to install any extended mag upgrade, but I'd prefer the above. I think the wingman should be needed slightly so it doesn't ruin the gun by making it more of a python with a kick so there's a bigger delay but the damage should stay the same.
I don't think it's that overpowered, except maybe when used by pro's... problem is every other pistol fees weak compared to other gun choises.
Wingman requires great amounts of skill, it is also nearly unusable on even medium range enemies that know how to strafe dodge.
Try landing shots on a bangalore doing a proper A+D dance and additionally mixing in some slide dodges, also good luck trying to land headshots when even bodyshots are pushing it.
If you watch the best of the best in Apex (like Shroud or Dizzy) on twitch, its common to miss 50% of the magazine even for them when the enemy atleast tries to dodge.
The bullet travel speed for wingman is 18000, one of the lowest for semi automatic guns losing to all smgs (which are designed for cqc) and only winning peacekeeper slightly.
Snipers are at around 31000 bullet travel speed, so calling wingman a pocket sniper or competition to snipers does not seem valid.
Wingman is stronger than most shotguns since only peacekeeper is actually usable, the rest are trash to be replaced by something better.
A wingman will lose to a peacekeeper 100% of the time if the fight is on range for peacekeeper, full purple stack (200hp) takes 2 _bodyshots_ from peacekeeper and 3 _headshots_ from wingman.
Only real reason that a wingman wins a peacekeeper on shotty range is that the peacekeeper user failed to aim properly.
@Haxwell_Edison wrote:
It needs a nerf. But not in the way that you think. Take away the crosshair. Completely. Iron sights and ads sure, but no crosshair at all. Spoiler alert: do the same to the peacekeeper.Not a good idea. People will make a mark on their monitor screens. Some monitors even have the ability to show a crosshair.
- Wingman is the love letter to pistol or revolver users. I feel its in the right place. Mozambique needs a massive buff and the other one too or a niche use. I cant even remember the name of the other one.
Maybe more or less a QoL change for other weapons first, and see were we are then. No it should not be nerfed. Why are you even comparing it to a shotgun? Completely different weapon category. Shotguns are lethal close range, pistols are lethal mid/long range. Wingman is the equivalent of desert eagle from csgo. You have to aim carefully before you shoot and if you hit your target you do a lot of damage, but the recoil is high and you have to compensate for that before you shoot a second time.
It is comparable, but with less recoil and twice the magazine capacity.... The wingman even outperforms most machine guns and makes other pistols redundant the way it is. I mean most streamers main this gun or have it as their secundairy, that should tell you enough?
It is objectively the highest DPS gun in the game
Peacekeeper falls behind due to ROF
That alone should be enough to be a shout out
"Hey, this thing is too strong"
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