Forum Discussion
121 Replies
Make it do 35 dmg and lower the * fire rate it takes no skill when u have to hit 2 shots to make ur opponent wanna die and run just * nerf this * cuz its getting really cancer
The reload make make it a good weapon to push with and if you have the purple heavy mag it gives you 12 bullet and decreases reload time I can see that’s why it causes some issues because you can just spam reload spam
skull piercer I think need a tweak so it doesn’t negate the helmet protection 100% Maybe only do 50% more to the helmet then 100%
so make the reload time more with purple and make it 9 bullets max
but the base dmg and rof accuracy
stay the same
yea obviously cuz ur one of the people that use it and cheese people with it and if you stop using it u will start getting killed way more because you suck without that *
- There racist to the pistol race am I right
I use spitfire r301 hemlok devotion prowler
if use a wingman it to win the first few fights
i only use the wingman if I’m close range
I refuse to use the peacekeeper
- I suggest a nerf or removal.
- Or buff the SMG and assault rifles .
- You have to put 45 bullets into someone and only 3-5 with a wingman
- how are you going to compain about a wingman, when a sniper doesnt even kill............. it takes most snipers 4 shots to kill them full amour. while a peacekeeper one shots... if any gun needs to be changed its Shotguns.
Peacekeeper is more of an issue, thinking of quitting this game if that isn't balanced in a month. It's just not fun to play against.
Soooo yeah the meta is wingman and some other high dps weapon which is okay, but when the wingman is prioritet over every other weapon as secondary and has the 8 most dps, i should defently be nerf probably the headshoot multiplier, and the extended mag multipiler and the wepon spread. Look at Rouge-9's spread sheet about weapon stats. It is to redicules how much damge it does.
Pleas nerf wingman the pc meta is broke.
I mean it is ruining the game. 3 man premades running aorund with just WM and you die in less than a second is stupid AF.
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