Forum Discussion
121 Replies
everyone that wants the wingman's nerfed came from fortnite. LOOOL stop complaining yall suck ....
Im not sure why you compare it to a shotgun, but I want to put my two cents in and say the wingman should be nerfed, absolutely.
You are an idiot
The weapon is OBJECTIVELY better than everything else
I don't think the Wingman needs a nerf or buff. I like the games balance the way it is. History has shown you can buff or nerf all weapons until they are more or less equal in effectiveness for a majority of people but most players will just move on to the next strongest "unbalanced" weapon -- all weapons in the game will become boring and you will have a repeat of Destiny 1 where all gun types suck equally and everyone just moves on. Or maybe it would be like PUBG where they changed the entire PC shooting mechanics for their Xbox release and nothing fired the same and again many people including myself lost interest.
So when are we going to see balance changes, they changed Shuriken and Bloodhound quite early on in the game. These 2 guns are considerably more unbalanced, this is not fun to play against. It's not fun losing 2/3 of your health to an idiot who cannot aim.
- Dude, many people using Wingman right now. Ez weapon. Hip fire wingman, long shot wingman still 45 damage. with quite decent fire rate. best player Apex Legends fail when not using wingman ingame. except shroud
- agree. Every game every single squad have a wingman
I think that there needs to be a damage or accuracy dropoff at a range. It should be accurate to an actual pistol range not that of a sniper.
Heavy ammo weapons damage:
Wingman - 45 body, 90 headshot (+ skullpiercer multiplier)
Prowler - 14 body, 21 headshotHemlock - 18 body, 24 headshot
Flatline - 16 body, 32 headshotSpitfire - 20 body, 40 headshot
Longbow - 55 body, 110 headshot (+Skullpiercer choke multiplier)
Wingman is a bitt odd one, a pistol at that rivals a sniper rifle.
In my opinion it's damage should be adjusted accordingly:
Wingman - 25 body, 75 headshot (+ skullpiercer multiplier)Reason being in Titanfall games it was just an ok sidearm, that was godlike headshot popper.
It should keep it's creazy headshot potential (esspecially with skullpiercer) but it should be brought in line with other HA weaponry when it comes to body shots.
Currently with it's fire rate and hipfire accuracy it's just insanely powerfull.This is an extremely sensitive topic tbh. What people don’t understand is that needing this gun will quickly shift the meta to people running around with shot guns uncontested. Not only that but the difference between pc and console play is huge. The wingman on console is no where near as powerful as it is on pc due to the difference in aim consistency. I think adding a miniscule recoil buff would be adequate as it would make the gun a higher skill gap weapon. Regardless people will complain about any weapon that kills them. Let’s just hope Respawn actually plays thee own game so that the adjustment isn’t complete overkill.
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