Forum Discussion
I'm sorry but I just cant agree with skill based matchmaking for games, mainly because in theory its all good but after having played Overwatch I know how ridiculously toxic people get and all the fun from playing casually with 59 other random people who can be either a total potato at the game or the best player in the server is lost, and I believe that the main thing on a battle royale, which is basically a gigantic arena where you don't know who you are facing until you get in a fight. There is no thrill or reason to get better if everyone is exactly at the same level, and even worse you start having to worry not to get degraded to lower levels because getting paired with random squadmates in skill based matchmaking gets frustrating VERY fast, especially on servers where people usually speak more than one language (and yes, the ping system helps a lot here but it still doesnt replace direct communication).
tl;dr I believe skill based matchmaking will make the community way more toxic, while taking away from regular players (who I believe are the core of the community) the fun of random encounters and the chaos a battle royale is supposed to be.
And btw, to the person who posted that people who are bad to the game don't get better by being matched against really good people, I really have to differ, as I feel I have greatly improved in other games playing almost exclusively against players who absolutely owned me (talking about SC2 here, playing against friends who were ranked Diamond and Masters while I was just starting playing online in Silver, soon I was able to hold a match against them). If I had not played against them I would had never made it to Diamond too, I would have probably stayed a long, LONG time in Silver or Gold having no real progress. And we are talking about a strategy game here, in which the luck factor of shooters (and by extention of BR games) is almost non existant and the outcome is purely based on skill.
The problems you are speaking about with skill based matchmaking are actually problems with randomly throwing together a server.
Free wins: You seriously think an even playing field where everyone has a chance to win is "free wins" instead of throwing "Chad Thunderc*** with 100 played games, 500 kills, 80 times in the top 3" together with "Jake from accounting who just downloaded the game"? A pro OW player played Apex a few days ago and killed 1/3 of the server by himself with Wingman. That's the definition of a free win, having a good chance that a large chunk of the people you're up against are significantly worse than you because they're just randomly chosen out of the total of players. That's basic probability theory.
"getting paired with random squadmates in skill based matchmaking gets frustrating VERY fast" : you seriously think that's better if it's a totally random person? Read that again and tell me where in the world a completely random person as a squadmate is better than a person around your skill level. Oh yeah, in the 1/100 chance that it's someone significantly better than you who will carry your butt so you don't have, and I quote "thrill or reason to get better".
The issue about getting better matched against really good people: You can not compare SC2 with a shooter. Seriously, think about it for one second. A SC game takes a while even if you're completely outmatched, you're only up against one person and you can analyze what they're doing. In a shooter if you're completely outmatched you encounter them and 2 seconds later you're dead, maybe getting one magazine worth of shots off. Tell me how does one get better at leading targets, considering projectile dropoff (which is different with different weapons no less), dealing with spray patterns etc. etc. etc. if during a whole game you have a generous 10 seconds of fighting until you're decimated? Improving the mechanical parts of the game is a large part of getting better and you simply don't have that if you never get to shoot to begin with.
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