Forum Discussion
Agree that the game should have proper matchmaking and play groups.
Have been playing with my bro for days and its clear that the game tries to force losses or wins, based on amount of wins per matches played.
Either matching us with a lvl 0 account/bad player or with a god tier. Rarely do we get matched with just someone average.
We have won with literally 0 kills 0 damage players in our squad, absolutely stomped with some lvl 9001 sweats and won as duo due to insta leavers.
Neither of these extremes are fun and feel boring or frustrating, losing to a proper squad when one squad member might as well be afk or completely stomping some players who are learning how to aim and move.
Nothing grinds my teeth worse than seeing the amount of stuff new players can't do, it's not just the "basic" stuff like proper drop distances, its things like pressing M1 or equipping armor. Players who clearly have absolutely no previous FPS experience are joining this competitive game and ruining the experience of those who are trying a little more than just press random buttons.
I would envision three distinct play groups.
Beginner: All players start with this matchmaking option available, until they reach lvl 20 or equivalent they can only play through this.
Experienced (or veteran etc.): After going over the beginner lvl the players get locked out of the beginner matchmaking and can only play through the experienced playlist. This will do two things improve the experience of all players who have played the game for longer and additionally counter cheating for the main player base since cheaters will have to grind out of beginner without cheats or get caught.
Ranked: This will be available after the same lvl requirement as experienced or higher. Deterring cheaters out of ranked and ensuring that everyone knows atleast the basics of the game. This game mode will be for the tryhards/full squads and twitch streamers. Matchmaking based on skill level will be used within this mode, players will lose and gain rating based on performance comparative to their competitions skill level.
General matchmaking for all players i would not do, since part of the fun is still within the varied skill differences. Just don't push new installs with more experienced players.
- 7 years ago
I like the idea of ranked queue modes (separate solo and premade). I would even pay money to unlock this mode, as a way to allow cheater bans to be more impactful)
However, separating "beginners" (below lvl 20) is a terrible idea, because in a F2P game, since good players just want to pubstomp, they will keep rerolling additional accounts to pubstomp the beginner queue.
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