Forum Discussion
26 Replies
- EA_Blueberry6 years ago
Community Manager
Do you have a record clip of this and have you tried any specific troubleshooting to try and fix it? We've seen others mention this as well in our forums and found some solutions to it. I know it's frustrating to experience something like that, especially if it leads to a disappointing game outcome.
If you're looking to troubleshoot this, let us know which platform you play on and what steps in these forums you've attempted already. It's your game, it's not my system. Literally everyone has had issues with footstep audio not working and it's ridiculous. If call of duty can have working footstep audio from over 10 years ago then theres no excuse why you cant
I have had on many occasions looting a building to have not heard a full squad either running up to the building and not hearing anything or ziplining all the way to my building and not hearing anything until they are right on top of me blasting me from behind. They can hear me looting from a few meters away but i can't hear them running up to gank on me.
It's definitely not his system, but good try. Watch any streamer and suddenly they're getting shot from behind from a team thats 5 feet behind them and it happens very often. The audio since at least season 2 update is significantly worse, but I stopped playing about a month and a half into S1 and it wasn't an issue then. The games audio is so unreliable now it's incredibly frustrating.
One game I was in relay and I thought I heard someone coming from Hydro (to my right) but when I looked I didn't see anyone so I just assumed it was my teammate who was behind me on my left. As it turns out, we started getting shot from a team up on the walls (pathfinder) and I never actually heard my teammates footsteps at all who was significantly closer. The games audio is * right now.
Another instance. Standing inside bunker right in the big door shooting a triple take, a full squad comes up RIGHT BEHIND ME and kills me. 0 footstep audio. Like how [Removed - CM] do you guys manage to make this game so terrible
you can hear something right before i get shot but thats it. i turned up the audio for my stream for future issues. crazy how a giant metal robot makes no sound
Something that the old Source mods used to have to deal with was 'zoned' sounds. I remember that the map designers for some of the mods I played had to be especially careful that they did this part right because otherwise someone stood in the next area through a doorway or whatever might as well have been in the vacuum of space, because you couldn't hear their gun firing, but you could hear the ricochets and bullets zinging from the wall behind you in your area.
I had it explained to me in laymans terms (and this was a decade ago so sorry if this is inaccurate) but the idea was that there were only so many sounds able to be played at once before the engine would start to do some unexpected things, so the way teams got around it was to compartmentalise maps so that only so many sounds could be heard from each section. If these areas weren't cross-referenced properly you'd end up with the unusual situation where someone could be right next to you firing/walking but because they were in a separate zone, you couldn't hear them.
I was told that Respawn are using a modified version of the Source engine : and the sound thing might be some limitation they've not explored fully if this sound-zoning mechanic is still part of it. Certainly the map for Apex is larger than any of the mod maps or HL2 level maps that I remember by a large margin. If it's all 1 big zone then they may be experiencing some of the unusual sound crap from the old days.
The reason this sticks in my mind is you used to be able to totally crap-out Apex's sound by launching a Pathfinder ultimate at an Octane jump pad, or by a deathbox landing on an Octane jump pad and settling there. You'd get the rapid repetition of the jumppad noise which wouldn't just drown out other sounds with volume - it would actually stop ALL other sounds from even playing. You could fire your gun and not hear anything, you could throw grenades and the sound of the explosion wouldn't even play.
[edit] - So to bring this back to the real world from the Hypothetical : @Tperodactyl 's video might be the result of multiple gun battles going on all around the map, and the sound effect limit being hit, even though he is too far away from most of the fights to be hearing them. If the engine is producing them all and working to ITS limit rather than the limit of what his client should be producing as actual sounds for where he is stood - it would explain the missing footsteps. I'll use arbitrary values because this is all guesswork but if the engine is willing to play a maximum of 1500 sounds at once in an area, and it sees the entire map as 1 area, then even if he isn't close enough to actually HEAR the sounds through his client: every Flyer scream, footstep, ambient sound, grenade explosion, reload sound, grenade 'ready' sound when someone pulls out a grenade counts towards that total. Once it's reached, the weird stuff starts to happen.
What's weird is that we're not seeing it with people running up to us and their guns not making any noise, or grenades not making any noise. There's something specific to footsteps. It's as if the footstep sounds are prioritised last to avoid the situation of someone lighting you up with a Spitfire but the gun not making any noise.
I dont care what the excuse is. Call of duty had footstep audio over 10 years ago on a Xbox 360. Youre telling me they cant figure it out in 2019 with all this new technology available? Probably 20% of the times I die are because I couldnt hear the enemy
my audio lags a bit. I need to get it fixed. but the sound pathfinder makes when walking, like the high pitched sound like his 'joints' creaking or whatever, I actually heard that before he came around the corner. But it was so quiet that I thought he was further away. But before then my team is pretty far away and the only other sound is my drone so tell me why there isnt any footstep audio? I dont know how much longer i can play this game in this condition.
@TperodactylNot making excuses mate, I don't work for em 🙂 The base engine they've modified is from a game released in 2004, so archaic problems when we get to the more esoteric bugs etc isn't that unusual.
Another day another death due to 0 footstep audio 😁😁😁😁😁
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