Forum Discussion
26 Replies
- @SolitaryMassacre Audio priority is whack imo.
I can always hear gun fire 300+ meters away.
I can always hear friendly footstep audio, but it is usually delayed and makes me think enemies are near.
I can rarely hear enemies moving behind me. If there is any other audio cue within 300+ meters, footstep audio is completely mute.
Audio cues should have a play priority and not completely override eachother when anything happens.
My proposed audio cue order:
1) all movement: footsteps, stim, zipline, grapple, portal, rev ult, etc
2) bullets fired near / at your team
3) explosions from ultimates, grenades, etc
4) those teams fighting 500 meters away - @Pallo420 I agree 100 percent.
Just finished a round where I was fighting and someone literally walked RIGHT UP TO ME and lit me up. Dropped me instantly I had no idea they were even coming. There needs to be a change. - @Tperodactyl Season 6 almost done and still same issues. Why did I buy battlepass for this game lol
- @Tperodactyl Walking instead if running makes your footsteps almost silent, and its hard to hear them over gunfire. I've never had problems with footsteps. There might be a slight problem with the sound but a huge part of it is that people will look for any excuse to convince themselves they didnt lose they blame their teammates for not being there when they solo push a full team with 0 communication, they complain that the games are "too sweaty", and they complain that the game sound is broken.
- Balladalidila5 years agoSeasoned Ace
First of all; I hope those who claim that footstep audio is bugged play with good headphones. If you are some clueless kid, playing with 2 speakers in front of you, or even worse, on the TVs speakers, then just get out of here please. Its like saying "there are graphic bugs, making it impossible to spot enemies" when playing on a 15 inch monitor, 1280*720 at 30 FPS....
Anyways; I always play with Geforce instant replay on and EVERY single time I think someone had silent footsteps, I save that replay and watch it and EVERY single time I found a perfectly natural explanation;
1) I simply got "tunnel hearing". Just like tunnel vision, when you are focused at something, your senses, or rather your brain, might just not pick up that information. Looking at the replay, ever so often I find out that the sound was there but I just didnt notice it..
2) The enemy used some kind of movement that closed the distance fast without making a sound. This is very often a Pathfinder who uses his grapple to from super far away to lounge himself at me. It can also be someone that jumps down on you or close to you from above.
3) Sound is masked by something else. Pretty obvious but if a thermite is burning next to you and 3-4 teams are shooting around you, footstep audio is simply very hard to detect.
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