5 years ago
The Spitfire needs a nerf
It's pretty embarrassing the fact that every low skill player rocks it... It's so stupid the fact that has 55 rounds. Its too broken. You can one clip a full squad and have a few bullets left. I thin...
This gun has been broken since day 1, but now it seems like every single player runs it. An extremely helpful nerf would be to reduce the mag size of each mag for the spitfire by 5-10 and reduce the damage from 20 down to like 16-17. This gun just hits way too hard and it is entirely too overused in high rankings I just hit diamond and all I run into are people with the spitfire spraying and crouch spamming at me until i'm dead because you can't get away from the guns mag capacity.
The spitfire is what 19 damage a shot with like 55 bullets with purple mag or whatever and even more with rampart. I don't know how people don't see this being a huge problem. Large damage, loads of ammo, and a pretty okay fire rate. I think headshots are like 32 or something but I think to fix the spitfire to make it more of a balanced weapon is to reduce the body damage by 2 effecting head shot and leg damage as well and also having the ammo capacity reduced by at least 8 bullets. It's literally a overpowered weapon like I think I'm seeing more people with the spitfire than the mastiff. Sure isn't Mastiff Legends anymore but now Spitfire Legends.
@zombieshoota50000 its not even overpowered, I dont understand why people want to nerf everything into the ground on this damn game. We only have like 2 LMG's in the entire game and L-Star is trash so by nerfing the spotty you might as well take out LMG's.