Forum Discussion
The leaver penalty is the best feature of Season 3. Leave it. The only change they should make is if a teammate grabs your banner and doesn't respawn you within a minute or two, then you can leave without penalty. Two minutes out of your day isn't much. Stick with your team and you'll either win or lose. Simple.
Wow i rememberd my password haha just for this.alright i love apex play it everyday when i get out of work.i just got timed out for 8 min 30 sec for leaving a bit early i cant help it i want to play the game not dik around i dont wanna wait and see all the * unfold children on my squad who obviously cant play,trolls all sorts of reasons im just not happy with it! it honestly makes me not wanna play.if apex dont wanna lose anyone like me then fix this *.i have had no problems with ppl leaving early its there loss honestly and u gotta pilfer through when it comes to millons of random ppl u have no clue about somtimes a person makes me uncomfortable i should not be penalized for that * or if my crew just plain * sucks i use pre built squads most of the time anyway but still not happy ughhh..
- 6 years ago@Michaelshawn55 You do realize that leaver penalties are only in ranked matches, right? If you have such a big problem with this penalty, why don't you just play regular?
- 6 years ago
Just lol at this thread, and some of the BS posted in it.
Bottom line: You start the match as a team. There are no "accidents" or "random" about it. If you died and your team mates are still alive, they've played better than you. If you cannot stay the 1.30-2min after death then you have a serious issue with your own attitude.
Spin it anyway way you want to try to justify it to yourselves, but you're muppets. Just stay till the banner greys out. NOT rocket science.
As you were
- 6 years ago
Your closed minded and cant understand the genre of essence that apexs bring to gaming. If ranked was fixed properly and they didnt hang on the word of others just to appease the thought of other companies not doing so then having a downward projection in the longevity of their game. If it was so so easy to drop ranked and played pun that be great but they jacked that up to!! They implement far to many things before their full outlined and tested on a large scale.
In the very begging they made a statement in other words outling their projector of having people new to the game not having to. Learn a whole new skill base just to keep their head above water everytime the decided to play their wouldnt be major changes. Yet of course they make major changes that effect the community. The community that brings in revenue in various ways for the company
- 6 years ago@IAmTheMeddler It’s annoying when the one teammate that’s up is across the map and isn’t coming forcing me to wait
- 5 years ago@IAmTheMeddler Because there is not that map which should be used to play on regular
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