Account hacked and email changed
Yesterday I got home to see that someone had hacked my email and EA account. There's nothing really for them to take as I don't have any card details or anything stored on EA, however, they changed my email address to some fake one.
I can login still through a linked account and in My Cases I can see where they contacted EA help to get them to send a link and change the email for them. Yes, for them, the advisor is the one that changed the email.
However I've tried to resume the case or start a new one but I can't get in contact with anyone...I think because the advisors must be contacting the new email that the hacker switched to. I can't change my email or password because it just prompts to send a code to this new hacker email first.
I'd just like my account back before the person either sells the account or unlinks my other account and I can't get in at all.
Any help is appreciated.