Forum Discussion
He has no clue yes there are videos on YouTube of it being used but they are very rare it is just something bad players use as an excuse because they can’t believe someone is better than them
no point of even talking to these people because in there head they honestly believe 30 to 40 percent of the people playing this game are useing them but funny thing is I probably have around 100 games and have never seen a player that I thought oh that was impossible he must be using xim
kinda surprised he didn’t say he has way more headshots than kills he has to be cheating like every other bad player on the forums
Your a 1000 percent wrong there is way more people using keyboards than you think and the advantage you gain in apex. Is on matched thus is why respawn bans because of it they also aknowldged that this is one of there biggest issue when comes to cheating since they dont got input based matchmaking