Forum Discussion
So I think of 2 things when you mention this.
1) Anytime I am enjoying a game, I will put money into the game. If you make it to level 100, you clearly are enjoying the fruits of the labor to make this FREE game. Why not throw some money at it?
2) Because it is free for us, doesnt mean it is free for them to make.
I understand some are under mom and dad's wallet but I just can't stand this way of thinking. The season pass comes out in March, who knows what that might bring in the form of Apex packs. I personally enjoy the grind and know as long as the game seems to be supported by the devs and responses made to hacking, etc. I will 100% put money into this game.
In the grand scheme of it all, this game has been out a microsecond. Would you have rather paid $60 one time for this? Overall, this game has a lot to offer us in such a short amount of time compared to its counterparts.
- 6 years ago
Im 120$ in already. That still dosn't change the fact only like 10% or something of the gear can be unlocked through grinding. That seems reasonable? The gear isn't even that great....
Why not follow the free to play cash cows lead? Making limited time extravagant skins. Somewhat like how they have now already but on a bigger scale.
People are more likely to spend money on a garunteed item as appose to spending $13 for 10 crates when your only garunteed 1 legendary item every 30 crates...
- 6 years agoAnother option would be to allow us to buy materials with our legend tokens at maybe a 1/20 ratio
- 6 years ago
very disappointed legends tokens can't be used for skins or apex packs.
I saw you could use them... but you had to buy with real money first
- 6 years ago
While I do keep a close eye on F2P models and am weary of abuse, I do agree that for a free game, especially of this quality, popularity, and polish, it’s not unreasonable to spend $10-20 here or there if you really enjoy the game.
Its easy to argue that many $60 games give you way more enjoyment than what’s reasonable for that price point. Help support a good F2P game with a reasonable approach to MTX by supporting it a bit and pimping out your favorite Legend or weapon a bit.
- 6 years ago
I generally agree with you. I am fine paying some money for a free game I like but Apex packs is the biggest scam in lootbox history. They are clearly lying on their % chances since I only get a legendary after 30 boxes and 1-2 epics at the same time. After getting to level 55 i purchased around 45 packs + 5 today from Twitch Prime. I got 1 legendary. And if my calculations are correct I will get my next pity timer legendary in my next lootbox. This is beyond ridiculous. Also so far, through all my leveling and payed packs I got 700 crafting materials. Not even close to enough to buy a legendary banner of my choice. I play bangalore and don't have a single epic/leg item for her. This is the video of my first 21 lootboxes opening that i paid to see that I am not lying.
- 6 years ago
I see a lot of points on both sides of the discussion, I'm very glad that the game is F2P as that lets people hop right in and see for themselves if the game is worth it or not. I'm eager to see what the season pass options are going to include, in particular I want to know if there will be any kind of changes to the time investment aspect of the game. I love this game so far and I plan to play till 100 and drop some money here and there on pay day BUT one thing that is very important to me is feeling like you're earning or accomplishing something each time you play. If there was a lootbox for every X that you take the game after 100 that would keep me much more entertained than hitting 100, realizing that there's not very much incentive for putting time into the game other than just playing the matches. I know there are a large amount of people out there who feel that games with a carrot on a stick approach like that keep people interested much longer than simply playing the game as is with no incentives other than paying for them.
- 6 years ago
- Jesus you suck at rng. I'm about level 40 had a few epics and legendary and got 700 crafting and spent 0 on the game so far. Ots the best fun I've had for 0 pounds in my entire gaming life. Epic game. And I look forward to seeing what the battle pass offers so I can reward the guys who made the game by buying it.
- And to the comment above me no one loves being ripped off and exploited. If you feel that way about a free to play game with 0 pay to win you need to take a look at yourself. You are clearly getting upset about not being able to get a pixel outfit for your pixel character. Get over it or buy loot boxes to support the game. No one's breaking your arm to do it.
- 6 years ago
The store is overpriced, and people enjoy the game and want to unlock content (skins for the game) but it is a rip off. That is why their complaint is valid. Your comment however is pretty dense. You're stating "It is not pay 2 win there for a company should be able to charge whatever they want for the unlockable content". That makes zero sense. Companies can charge whatever they want for their product. And customers can also complain about the prices. I do not see the issue here. It is just cause and effect.
@Dominicomucci wrote:- Jesus you suck at rng. I'm about level 40 had a few epics and legendary and got 700 crafting and spent 0 on the game so far. Ots the best fun I've had for 0 pounds in my entire gaming life. Epic game. And I look forward to seeing what the battle pass offers so I can reward the guys who made the game by buying it.
- And to the comment above me no one loves being ripped off and exploited. If you feel that way about a free to play game with 0 pay to win you need to take a look at yourself. You are clearly getting upset about not being able to get a pixel outfit for your pixel character. Get over it or buy loot boxes to support the game. No one's breaking your arm to do it.
- 6 years ago
@odieman1231 wrote:So I think of 2 things when you mention this.
1) Anytime I am enjoying a game, I will put money into the game. If you make it to level 100, you clearly are enjoying the fruits of the labor to make this FREE game. Why not throw some money at it?2) Because it is free for us, doesnt mean it is free for them to make.
I understand some are under mom and dad's wallet but I just can't stand this way of thinking. The season pass comes out in March, who knows what that might bring in the form of Apex packs. I personally enjoy the grind and know as long as the game seems to be supported by the devs and responses made to hacking, etc. I will 100% put money into this game.
In the grand scheme of it all, this game has been out a microsecond. Would you have rather paid $60 one time for this? Overall, this game has a lot to offer us in such a short amount of time compared to its counterparts.Some people like to play videogames and some people like to play slot machines. I put you in the latter. No shade just saying.
I get that people shouldn't work for free but this isn't an indie studio bro. They're on the clock.
- 6 years agoI’m not going to lie imma little annoyed by this because I have not gotten a single legendary nor epic item and I’m level 52 and frankly since my luck is already * it turns me away of buy crates.
I think something like every 2-3 wins you get a crate so it’s not for free and you have to earn it.
Frankly I don’t have 20 buck to throw on a skin or 20 crates that I might get rare common common you know what I mean
I’ll just make another account- 6 years ago
@XtakeroflifeX_YT wrote:
Frankly I don’t have 20 buck to throw on a skin or 20 crates that I might get rare common common you know what I mean
I’ll just make another accountSo answer me this: How are they going to make money if the game is free and all the cosmetics ingame are easily obtainable for free?
Or are you under the preposition that gamecompanies should not want to make money and work years on something to give it away?
- 6 years ago
Solution 1: Make buying skins directly possible and not cost half of a video game per skin because the chance of me buying a skin for $2 and then maybe a few more are a lot higher than me buying a single skin for $20 (which is 0%).
Solution 2: Do like Rocket League did and have a set of items everyone can get just by playing with the really rare items taking a loooong time to get so you could still just buy lootboxes in the hopes of getting the rare stuff faster and a set of items you can only get by paying money which generally look cooler than the free stuff
- 6 years ago
no biggie throwing cash at it but not mega bucks for 1 skin a reg game price to unlock all would be fair or an apex pack every level
- 6 years ago
Because you can easily spend 100 dollars and get next to nothing to show for it. Or you can buy like 3 legendary skins for $60. The prices are completley jacked. Half the fun of this game is leveling and earning lootboxes. No suprise EA messed that up. If the battle pass doesnt hold redeemable qualities this game wont stay relevant and that’s just the facts
- 6 years ago
I would buy crafting material, I would buy skins I like, but loot boxes are gambling. I will not support loot boxes in any way, because by supporting them, companies don't learn that gamers would rather be able to simply purchase the cosmetics they enjoy. why should i spend £20 on loot boxes to have a small chance of unlocking what i'm after rather than just being able to purchase what I like.
- 6 years agoExcept the devs are barely fixing anything. They focus on nerfing guns instead of game breaking glitches and crap cosmetics.
- 6 years ago
From my point of view, there are 2 main issues with the current system.
1- You have to pay 20$ for an item some people can get for free if they get lucky. I'd be willing to buy 20$ skins for unique "paid only" skins. Otherwise 20$ is too much. Maybe cut the cost of potentially free items by 2/3.2- There is no ingame reward for hardcore gamers. I'm currently level 181 and I'm slowly getting more and more bored of playing the game because I can't unlock anything with the ingame currency the game is providing me. Even my level badge is not showing my true level so I can't even grind that number! That is a very huge issue. Grinding a game should reward the player in some way.
- 6 years ago
Does anyone play games for gameplay anymore honestly why would anyone grind for a number that means absolutely nothing gamers these days make me worry about how game developers are going to start making games
why should there be a special reward for “hardcore gamers” as you call them . Basically you are wanting to punish people for having busier lives than you which has never made any sense to me the majority of gamers are causal gamers why would anyone want to punish the majority of the people that buy there products
- 6 years ago
You know what... i'm tired of people saying that because its a free game its fine.
I have played for plenty of time, i enjoy the game, and i have a battlepass which has now ended.
I have still not got the SINGLE * ITEM i want. You cannot defend monetization when it is overpriced. AT ALL.
As for being able to earn loot crates consistently. I would much rather buy the game like overwatch and have guaranteed loot crates at a slow pace than not at all and the game be free. With the only way to enjoy progression being to consistently pay money that will ammount to MORE than the purchase of another game.
So pls. use common sense.
- 6 years ago@ZenderXChaos I refrained from getting the latest Hunt skin for Bangalore, came to my senses that a 20$ skin won't make me a better player, the the flex urge was real! lol
I have yet to get anything good from Apex Packs, Level 110.- 6 years ago@Gabrielmojo26 Yeah i know that feeling. It has EA's stink all over it despite being such a good game. I feel for the devs.
Alot of people want more progression from the game and i agree. You do have the argument that a good game used to keep people entertained for days on end of constant play.
But that's a player type, and one more closer to people who enjoy grinding in games like what WoW used to be like.
Many people who play shooters wont get enjoyment out of a game with only one game mode and no progression.
Even if its cosmetics it annoys me when there are things that i want and yet on principle, i can't get it.
You've gotta go by a simple rule with free to play games.
If you can enjoy the game without paying, then its worth supporting.
If not, then it means you'll need to consistently pay, and that can wind up costing more than even a subscription based game. Which incidently, are usually far better as they provide a constant flow of content... usually.
FF14 seems to be adding dlc's that require further payment alot these days. So, can't use them as an example anymore either |:
Cosmetic items in games are a major part of something i enjoy. I'm tired of getting faded and grimey colours and crappy items, or hopelessly skewed RNG systems in the way of actually enjoying a game.
Enjoyment is key in a game.
Apex would be absolutely fine if they simply let you continue earning loot crates in the same way as overwatch. Or if the price of individuals skins were much lower, to reflect their value.
It costs them absolutely nothing to replicate a digital item, therefor the profit to break even is essentially covered very very quickly per item. (one day)
Its no wonder p2w and rng systems are being targeted legally.
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