Design meeting between CEO, Design and QA for Season-6
CEO : I hear a lot of crying about 3rd party, what is the root cause and what can we do about it ?
Design : The battle went too long and 3rd team coming to wipe them out.
CEO : Make the battle short then. How to do that ?
Design : Easy peasy, reduce shield and make energy weapon GREAT again !
CEO : Let's do it, what are you waiting for ?
Design : Coding....
- change shield variable to -25
- Loot pool : Enable energy extended mag (removed "//" in front of the code))
- Loot pool : bring turbo charger (remove "//" in front of the code)
Done is few minutes, time to ask QA to try it out.
QA : Testing in firing range....all works as per spec....done.
but we're not sure what will be the experience in real game.
How about try it out as LTM ?
Design : LTM ? Hmm that means EXTRA WORKs ! ☹️
Nah, we already did what our CEO asking for...WHAT COULD GO WRONG ??
Easy to kill is good...people like to have a lot of kills !
Season 6 launch:
Community: What the F*** are you doing ? We're so easy to DIE !!!
CEO : What is happening guys ? What community crying again now ?
Design : Opss, we forget easy to kill means easy to die as well and they HATE it !
CEO : Damn it, how can you guys didn't warn me about obvious side effect ??
Design : We did what you asked for, now you blame us ?? blame the QA.
QA : Well, I warned already and ask for LTM but design rejected the idea......too much work. Not our fault.
CEO : So you're telling me, it's MY FAULT ??!!
To be continue .....