Forum Discussion
Personally, I'd prefer tighter matches more often instead of getting obliterated in humiliating fashion for multiple games in a row by players WAY better than me. My current solo queue experience is often struggling to get a single kill for 10-12 games in a row with the occasional win & 4-5 kill game thrown in there. My KDR is about 1.0, give or take, but the quality of the wins & good games does not consistently offset the cumulative aggravation of the deaths. I'm OK with deaths where I F'd up or just missed my shots but am not OK with dying repeatedly where I feel like I had absolutely no chance. Nobody likes playing a game that's rigged against them and that's the feeling lots of people have under the current matchmaking system.
I applaud Repawn for finally saying something on this topic. However, the post is mostly non-committal and IMO unnecessarily vague on certain points. It all leaves me in the same place I was before the post ... very skeptical that anything will change significantly.
Bruh... then there's this Valk on the other team getting 21 kills, we lose big as 4 of them have double digits. Now, what is mm's response to this? How about putting this Valk and I together next game? So she can destroy a bot team again, but this time I'm allowed to do the same. She and I literally held their home spawn for 2 minutes, while our team naturally took B and managed to come help us afterwards. Ended up a win by lockout.
@Gabrielmojo26 Definitely not Frankfurt!
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