Sorry to hear about your pc.
I think they created this new weapon/shield relationship without taking into consideration the atrocious matchmaking in this game. If matches really were reasonably balanced then the differences would probably be a lot less noticeable. But in an environment where the matchmaking is so wide-range you just end up giving the pros and cheaters an even easier time getting kills off of the rest of us. I really don't care how this mechanic works out within a balanced lobby, but the problem is that this game has no balanced lobbies. It has full-on, no holds barred, unapologetic bronze-to-master matchmaking. The dev obviously had little regard for the lower tier players before this season. Now, instead of trying to protect or help them, they've decided that the best thing for everyone is to just throw them to the wolves. I'm sure the wolves will love it, but they better enjoy while they can because this game is rapidly approaching the period of its lifespan where normal, casual players are driven out completely. And then the wolves have no one left to feed on except each other.