Forum Discussion
I avoided the EA app because Origin ran just fine. Only when EA actually force-closed (killed) Origin did I start using the app, and as a user, I find it regularly fails to update saves "to the could" from a machine I have hard-wired to my router (so I know the problem isn't here,) and I wasn't doing anything out of the ordinary. Shouldn't this have been a nothingburger of a transition? Wouldn't it have been better to leave Origin supported until the app was at least 90% glitch-free? I haven't gotten my mod to the point where I have to start QCing it (which I expect to take many restarts and saves,) but even as a plain-vanilla gamer with a tendency to second-guess myself, I find the app glitchy and unreliable with the 200-300 saves I have per "career."
If Mass Effect is supposed to allow for - and encourage - replay, the required overlaying "app" simply cannot be allowed to fail in this way!
I was the same, Origin was a lifesaver for me 90% of the time. I was able to run through various playthroughs of the Mass Effect trilogy with various mods installed, until the EA Desktop app was forced on us.I still can't believe they pushed such a broken app on us, when Origin worked perfectly fine.
Now I am encountering bugs that simply did not exist before I started using EA Desktop.
Bug 1, which took me a while to fix, made it so that Mass Effect 1 would boot up but freeze after 2-5 minutes of gameplay, every single time. I fixed this by re-enabling the in-game overlay, which was on at first? I don't know, it was annoying to sort.
Bug 2, which came about not even a day after I fixed bug 1, completely prevents the game from launching. Every single time I re-install Mass Effect 1 and click play, the splash screen pops up for 1-3 seconds before immediately disappearing with the reappearance of the EA Desktop app, signalling that Mass Effect closed before it launched. This happens 100% of the time, after a dozen reinstalls through both EA Desktop and even the Steam version of Mass Effect 1. The game is literally unplayable on both my gaming PC and gaming laptop, and I have not seen a fix anywhere.
I just want to be able to keep playing Mass Effect 1, but ever since I was forced to use EA Desktop, it became nearly impossible, especially after I kept struggling with texture mods not working because of something missing. Honestly gets me so angry that there doesn't seem to be a fix for the problem anywhere on the internet.
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EA App Error Code EC:104
Solved6 hours ago- 7 hours ago