Forum Discussion
Hey @lgaudet going forward you will need to use the EA app to play your EA games.
This would be fine if the EA App actually worked. Is there anything being done to remedy this? It seems ridiculous that we simply no longer have access to our games
- 3 years ago
This is why I so dislike any Software that requires an online login just to run paid-for content.
Eventually, the Company will neglect to keep the Servers going, and the Software will become unusable.
Although in this EA App case, the Company concerned has simply made an epic mess of a forced upgrade, and has contrived to disable all access to paid-for Content in the process.
Is there nobody left running the Company who has any authority to supervise what the children in the IT Department get up to? Or to ensure they actually test their creations before unleashing them on unsuspecting Customers?
Come on EA, crack on and resolve the problem you have created.
At the very least, disable the forced EA App upgrade in the Origin login, so people can carry on with what works in the interim.
Tick, tock, the clock is ticking, and people are getting very annoyed at the total lack of action, or even of an acknowledgement that there is a problem.
- 3 years ago
@MayPanDayI couldn't agree more. I've had hit and miss (mainly miss) luck with the POS app. EA should be ashamed of themselves. I have tried multiple of the so-called fixes, with the exception of going into my Admin and change my local setting. Not going to risk my PC and other software.
EA we have paid a lot of for our games. Could you at the very least STOP requiring us to login or even access the internet to play? The EA APP is so buggy that it thinks that I am not online, but here I am typing this while clicking the "retry" for the 34th time on the freaked up POS App. Hell, I'll be happy going back to Origin if a login is necessary!
- 3 years ago
Some better news, it looks like they have removed the forced EA App upgrade from the Origin login screen.
I tried it again this morning, and the Origin log in worked again, as before, without any sign of the annoying EA App upgrade splash notice (that one could not close).Hopefully this will allow people to re-gain access to paid-for Content, until EA fix the EA App upgrade issues.
Fingers crossed anyway.
- 3 years ago
fix found
go to
C:\ProgramData\Origin\local.xml in notepad
<Setting key="MigrationDisabled" type="1" value="true" />
launch origin fixed
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