The EA App is USELESS!
The popup installer that opens over Origin when logging into Origin Client FAILED TO INSTALL EA App but successfully UNINSTALLED ORIGIN!
I have now tried no less than 6 times to install the EA App only to receive the EXACT SAME FAILED TO INSTALL message ON ALL 6 attempts
using the EA App Installer downloaded from EA Games site! That's 7 failed installation attempts in 2 days!
I opened a support case for this issue with my computer only to have EA Games Support CLOSE my case WITHOUT ANY SUPPORT ACTION
WITH UNDER 24 HOURS OF OPEN/ACTIVE CASE TIME! And to make matters worse! Then they send me a survey asking me how they did in
my support request?????
Talk about cart before the horse!!!
Top this off with the message on the confirmation page of the support request and assignment of a case number. A Support representative will
contact you within 72 hours! How do they justify closing an unsatisfied, NEWLY OPENED, case in under 24 hours and never have contacted the
customer about the issue support was requested for?
Come on EA Games Team! You gotta get your act back together and provide support to your customers!
Now... I TOO want the Origin Client back! At least issues with it are fairly simple to correct! AND it has a history of actually installing and working
from the start where the EA App is a flat out failure! It is painfully clear that the EA App was not fully vetted before being pushed on customers in
such a short period of time. Add to that the number of complaints about library games NOT showing up under the EA App for those who could get
it to install and launch. Some of those issues being ongoing for weeks now!