Not Receiving Lando Norris’ Senna Tribute race helmet
Product: F1 24
Please specify your platform model. PC
Summarize your bug I have completed the Race Scenario: 1991 Brazilian Grand Prix on multiple occasions and have not received the Lando Norris’ Senna Tribute race helmet it says i have passed and still no helmet
What is your 16 digit Report Code? DDTP-DVRV-CGVH-TJHD
What peripherals are you using? Please list the exact make and model. Device name DESKTOP-L1S5GHP Processor Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-8400 CPU @ 2.80GHz 2.81 GHz Installed RAM 8.00 GB System type 64-bit operating system, x64-based processor Pen and touch No pen or touch input is available for this display
Can you please provide the name of your current internet service provider? BT
Which area is the bug/glitch in? Single Player
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? Complete the Race Scenario: 1991 Brazilian Grand Prix and check if you get the helmet
What happens when the bug occurs? the bug is that the challenge says passed but the challenge doesn't mark as completed and you don't receive your reward
What do you expect to see? i expect to see it says passed and you get your track data but not the helmet
i have tried this on multiple occasions and still no reward i have attached some photos that i have completed it and still no helmet
- @Ollieb0l11 Scenario rewards are giving out when the scenario has ended. Because it's based on your final leaderboard position.