So I got home at 0030 this morning and played until roughly 0800 this morning. I tried with and without my VPN and changed me VPN from USA to UK. It took 2 hours to play 2 games. It made no difference, was the same result. If you think this is a fluke, or will get patched in the coming weeks, I wouldn't hold your breath. The proof is out there for sure. Here is just one example...
I did a lot of talking in this one from FIFA 22...that's TWO years ago that this issue was shown, and acknowledged.
Honestly, as I said, it doesn't matter what EA spokesperson comes in and says. This issue has been brought up every year since they made the changes to matchmaking for Pro Clubs and every year they ignore us. Oh, and when you tell them how bad they are, and even give a solution on how to fix their problems, they will give you a ban and erase the entire comment, as they did to me 2 years ago as well. Why? Because someone smarter than their team actually gave them credible advice. We all come from all works of life. It just happens that my walk of life has given me a degree in Science of Information Technology and I am currently a System Administrator with 2 government contracts with 2 government ID's and 2 different Government security clearances. You would think they would listen to outside FREE advice on how to help or fix the issue.
And again, that was 2 years ago and the moderator who did the ban? Well they were also banning people for no reason and got stripped of their admin privileges.