2 years ago
PC Stuttering EAFC 24
G'day all! I'm currently having weird stuttering issues in the game. I've tried multiple combinations of graphics and video settings (via the in game menu settings) and I can't erase the issue. It ha...
Found something, doesn't fully solve the problem but made the game miles better. This is for Nvidia.
I am running the game through Steam. You might be running the game through EA. That is not a problem I assume!
I came across this thread on the forums here. Essentially. The EADesktop.exe app does slow down the computer affecting the game. I was never able to get over 120 frames before. Even as I set all the settings, it still felt like it was capped to 60 FPS.
All typical settings with Vsync off. HOWEVER. add EADesktop.exe from the Nvidia control panel and set the max frame rate to whatever you'd like.
GDI >> Prefer Performance
Power Management Mode >> Prefer Max Performance
Preferred Refresh rate >> Highest Available.
Tripple Buffering >> off
Playing with low settings as of now. Will test high frame settings and check.
Make sure Vsync off. This goes to the game as well.
THIS DOES NOT FIX THE LAG WITH CORNERS AND CELEBRATIONS. But the game seems to catch up after pausing or freekicks, or another corner. It looks like they are still triggering the same things.
Devs. If you are reading this, I am pinning down that when you turn off the Overlays, they hide them, but they still process in the background causing these delays. Looks like the killswitch is just visual .. Visibility:hidden; but not truly gone.
TLDR; EADesktop.exe is slowing down the game.
Good luck everyone!