Gameplay is at the lowest, Oceania servers are horrible
When I first started playing fifa in Australia a couple years back I knew there would be some problems with the little amounts of people playing the game in this country but I didn’t think it would be this bad… I’ve been playing since the end of fifa 23 and in this current fifa have started to get better at the game but it has always seemed so hard playing games in this server because of the people I vs, I watch fifa on YouTube’s watching people play European servers and I swear that the people I vs in division 5 for example are the exact same as people in European servers in elite division, season ended a few weeks ago relegating me down by 2 divisions and the last week I’ve been trying to get back to division 4 and i constantly vs the most sweaty people I have vssed on this game having front lines of r9, mia hamm, mbappe, fut fantasy MAICON, even having the fut champs evo cosmetic on aswell, in DIV 5?! The horrible gameplay that’s been happening recently has not been helping at all too, the last time I got close to getting Div 4 I was one game away vssing 2 people in a co op with a crazy team while having to deal with the horrible gameplay consisting of misplaced passing, horrible defending, horrible positioning etc etc, my players can barely pass where I want them to, it is the most frustrating thing in the world, I get inches close to Div 4 and some horrible mistake that wasn’t even my fault stops me from getting there, genuinely shouldn’t be this hard. I genuinely am getting so tired of this game and how sweaty Oceania servers are, vssing the same sweaty people every night when I play, I’m most frustrating thing in the world, I can’t decide whether it’s my fault or not either in these games too but like I said watching people play in European servers in elite division for example just looks the exact same to people I vs in Div 5 and that’s not even an exaggeration.