Cant claim gold pack!
I oppened a rare mega pack at like 10 pm my time(now is 1am) and still i cant redeem a gold pack that i got and open other packs,I already send a message to ea but idk when i can play more i have my div packs that i wanted to open with my friends this night and i was the online one that cant and is very frustrating.My psn name is Dragos114 my ea id is Dragos100000 i play on ps5 i have open a mega pack that i got from League and nation hybrid i got stuck in a gold pack i opened the pack on console ps5 and I Opened the pack at like 10 -11 pm my time easter european(at this time I am writting this is 1:25 am) please do some tommorow is the new prom and i wanna open some pack please!!!
The pic is from companion i tried to open it from pc companion and iPhone companion and ps5 i dont care about the gold pack just lemme open the rest please!