game freezing and lagging
So for the past 3/4 days ive been trying to log it to eafc 25 and it always freezes . Im playing on ps5 and ive checked my connection and everything is fine ive restarted the router a couple of times , restarted the ps5 , tryed connecting via lan cabble and wifi and it keeps freezing . One time i log in to ultimate team press sbs-s and it freez , other time go straight to a game and it disconnects me after 10/15 sec and it shows that loading triangle at the bottom of the screan , other time is freezes even befor i log in to ultimate team and i constantly restart the game time and time again and i cant get over that freez . If somebody have the same problem or similar or knows how to fix that please tell me im not that addicted to the game but its stupid to not be able to play atleast one game for 3/4 days . Thanks!