Please help us with the stutter and lag
Dear EA,
As I’m sure you have seen, there are a number of reports in these forums regarding experiencing constant stuttering, lag and delay in their gameplay which is making the game unplayable since the recent update this march, and they are all being ignored by EA. I am one of those people searching these forums and all through the internet looking for some kind of solution but to no avail, I have contacted your live chat which was no help, I have a computer more than powerful enough to run the game, I should not be having to deal with these kind of problems to play a game that I payed for, and as a community I’m fairly certain that we all know that you know the problem is not on our end, it’s yours.
I do understand that your job as game developers can be difficult sometimes and can be hard to find a fix for these sorts of issues, but I have been keeping myself updated with these forums for the past two weeks or so and have seen the EA team responding to and solving issues for people regarding FC points and unban requests but when it comes to people having an issue such as mine then there’s silence, we don’t even know if the problem is being investigated even though we know you’ve seen it, we’re left completely in the dark.
We have given your billion dollar company money out of our pocket to enjoy a product you have designed, as consumers we expect that when we have an issue with said product and we voice it to a community forum such as this then we should at least receive a response from the team, I’m not asking for compensation or a refund, I understand an issue like this takes time to fix, a break from the game would likely do me a world of good anyways. We just want to know that there is something being done about it.
I hope that this message finds itself in the eyes of someone who can actually help me and others in the same boat.
for anyone that was bothered to read all that, thank you for your time.