Forum Discussion

Ajaycent's avatar
Seasoned Newcomer
3 days ago

WOC Matchmaking is broken. Please Fix!

I feel so incredibly disrespected and scammed for buying this game. I certainly will not be recommending this game to anyone and will consider getting a refund from playstation within the week unless ea acknowledges and fixes the issues. 

Matchmaking takes 15-45 minutes in WOC, i spend more time in the menus than actually playing. This mostly happens in a party size of 4 or more for any of the 6v6 or 3v3 modes. Teams with player goalies are still getting matched against teams with cpu goalies.  Population is always low, its almost as if the game would benefit from having a pc version to bring in more players. Maybe shouldve released it on previous gen consoles as well. Theres also no exact team size matchmaking options. Why would they not include that??

Its as clear as day that ea's only priority is hut. I will never understand why this community plays that garbage predatory mode when all it does is scam u of your time and money. Wake up people! 

The nhl series is in serious decline and ea has no intentions of doing right by the players. And what's worse is that everyone is just okay with that. People have given up. Its unbelievable that this is what it has come to. Shame on u EA and shame on me for putting any sort of trust into you. I promise i wont make that mistake again.

If anyone knows of any information on why matchmaking in WOC is so broken this year please feel free to comment and start a discussion. The more attention this gets, the sooner it gets fixed.... I think. U never know with EA these days. I realize there are plenty more issues with the game but this, to me, is the biggest hindrance on the ability to actually play. 

Edit:  It happened again last night around 10pm eastern standard time. My buddies and i could not get into a WOC game at all. There were 4 of us and we tried all variants of 6v6 and 3v3 modes (including player goalie) yet the game refused to matchmake us. We all have gigabit fiber internet. After about an hour of sitting in the menus i gave up and signed off.  Since the time of this original post, there is STILL no acknowledgement from the community managers or devs. I will now contact PSN for a refund and will maybe repurchase when the game is heavily discounted.

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