error code fe804316b0afc428-0000000000009999-c5813be8145a3d65
failed to retrieve data; please try again later
error code fe804316b0afc428-0000000000009999-c5813be8145a3d65
psn Ryanjie
while waiting for the nightly time out on chel to finish, a friend (not rostered on my club) dropped into my lobby. to kill the last few min i i selected eashl 6v6 < play as club < team practice < free skate
after a few min of us 2 taking shots at the goalie, i paused the game and selected quit game
i got the above error code and was sent back to the main starter screen. i selected world of chel and after the usual loading screen(s) get the same error code screen. i press x to select "ok" as there are no other options and back to main title.
i attempt to select WoC several more times. the same loop of loading screen < error screen < title screen happens every time. I restart the game but the same loop. i restart the console but the same loop.
i look it up online, and try the following
power cycle console and router < delete personal save data < reinstall the game < booted safe mode to delete console cash
i cannot get into the WoC menus to make any changes
what am i supposed to do?