3 months agoRising Novice
Error code from Sony
Since the last patch (PWHL), every time i start hut, my game complety crash and it sends me an error code of sony CE-108255-1
- Thank you for your help i don't know what to do anymore
Since the last patch (PWHL), every time i start hut, my game complety crash and it sends me an error code of sony CE-108255-1
Hi there. Try going to the Rosters screen and download the most current online roster. Let me know if that helps or not. Thank you.
It did not help, still not working
Thank you for your reply! Can i try something else?
Thanks for trying that. I'd like you to power cycle your equipment with the following steps: unplug your modem/router and console. After 2 minutes plug in the modem/router. Let them come back online completely. Then plug in your console and start it up. Let me know if that helps or not.
I already tried that before coming here, i even reboot all my ps5, i call my friend to try on his ps5 with my account and it still not working for him with my account on his ps5
All online game mode work on my ps5 but hockey ultimate team is the only one not working
EA_Aljoim his friend i try on my ps5 from another household and another internet connection. It’s an account issue and it’s only when we try to log on hockey ultimate team
Can you confirm the version you're playing on is It might be slightly different for PS, but should at least start with 1.3.0.
Yes i play on the 1.030.000 version
Can you get me a video of this? Please publish it through your console or put it up on YouTube and respond with a link. I'll send it over to the team for review. Also, please send me a private message with your PSN ID. I'll include that in case it helps with the investigation.
My friend did it for me