Forum Discussion
147 Replies
- @realitysquared Yes, I appreciate what you mean & the good observations. I wasn't saying the stone-walling was a direct consequence of the change to 8 vs 8, just that there's so much of it that (for me) it's often prevented the game from getting going enough to be able to assess the change properly.
TT is the only game mode I play. 8v8 is boring whether you are winning or losing. Please revert back as soon as possible.
Also I wouldn't care for a compromise of 10v10 either. Maximum chaos please. It's organized chaos.
Edit: played some more. It is just all around awful. Everything from skills and the map feel odd. Even the new ttk feels oddly out of place with 8v8. Feels like the maps and gameplay had a vision. And now the vision is fading.
Edit 2: played some more...have the coins at the end been reduced? Lol
- @arownicus
Agree, no 10v10 and even 11v11, give back 12v12!! Same....
Im so disappointed in the decision to change it to 8v8. Turf is the only mode I play...I played it on GW1, GW2 and now on Battle for Neighborville... I absolutely loved the mode, the chaos, the ability’s going off like crazy, it was pure fun, it didn’t matter about winning it was just fun to be in the fight. But now its boring... the maps are too big for 8v8 and all the games feel empty in comparison to how they used to be. I can’t play it anymore... I have tried and I hate it. I haven’t played it for the last few days, and I don’t think I will play it again as long as it remains 8v8. I keep checking online every evening to see if it has changed back to 12v12 but so far I’m left disappointed and thus the game is left unplayed. Please change it back to 12v12 ASAP.
Please change it back to 12v12. It feels extremely empty if the game isn't fully booked. If 3 people leave its 5 v 8 in these huge maps, which makes it feel like all your doing is trying to find someone to kill. If 3 leave in a 12v12, it still feels like a packed game. Plus if there is a really good person on one team, it's hard to overcome that person and the game always seems lopsided. At least in bigger games you caen just try to swarm them with numbers. PLEASE CHANGE IT BACK
I totally agree 100%. It feels like a huge downgrade. It's also the only mode I play and have played since GW1, but as it is now, there is absolutely no fun to be had anymore.
Maps are way too big, which highlight the spawnpoint issues even more, but most of all the games are empty. They go by a lot faster, you earn less xp. After matches people leave and you're left with 6v4 or worse, with players leaving when their team gets owned. I've been in games of 4v4 or less with nobody ever joining. It's a big shame and I only created an EA account to comment on this shambolic decision in the hope they will revert back to 12v12. Judging by the comments, it seems more players are experiencing the same disappointment.
I literally only made an account here to comment on this matter. And I almost NEVER post on forums.
I dont want to be overly critical as I know some people do like the 8v8 but I think this probably is the worst thing they could have done to turf takeover and just seems to show a lack of care or understanding on how to test and the implementation has been really frustrating.
From my perspective there are 2 glaring issues with doing this.
First - If the maps were well designed they were tested and optimized for the original size teams. Especially the timers for the last phases. Decreasing the player count has broken all that time testing and this comes through in the maps right now very clearly.
Second - If the maps werent designed for more then 8v8. Why were the teams larger to begin with? It just makes no sense either way.
Good level design takes time and adjustment and you cant just toss in changes like this without testing. If they want to test, make a PTR........thats kinda the definition of the......PTR. I mean we get a new mode every week. Wouldnt this have been a better place to test something then forcing people who like the game into something they didnt ask for and dont want?
There is no shortage of issues that came with this. Just dropping it in with no warning especially over a holiday when player count could be higher was not the best choice.
The lower team #s removes the ability to play as you like and forces you counter specific player picks if theres a skill level high enough on that class. Gaps in account lvl and poor matchmaking are even more glaring. This isnt overwatch. There isnt going to be a PvZ league. Let the game be fun and not take itself too seriously. Thats its place. There are drastically fewer people playing now. I spent a match last night 4v1. (the poor open match advertising is also more glaring with lower #s) and that isnt rare.
I could go on but the long and short of it is use PTR i you want "test" something and I can say with certainty that if it remains my time with PvZ will end a lot sooner then it otherwise would have. It takes away most of what I enjoyed about PvZ to begin with.
- @Walternate Agreed...they royally messed this game up. I've stopped playing shortly after the change but when I did play the 8v8 it was a complete joke. So many dead lobbies with lopsided teams...2 or 3 skilled players dumpstering entire lobbies. That isn't fun. I don't enjoy shooting fish in a barrel and I also don't enjoy 3 players spawn camping my whole team because I got matched with noobies. I don't know how they could've possibly screwed this game up so badly but they did. It's in an even worse state than it was on release of founder's. The population of players is shrinking. Out of 5 lobbies you go into only 2 of them will be full. The rest are 3v3s 2v1s etc. Who wants to play 3v3 on those big maps meant for 12v12? Dead games. No fun for anyone.
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